I feel like fall guys developers are doing everything in their power to have to further reduce this to 30 lol
Anime, Lightnovel, bipolar disorder, enlightened, fall guys, bouldering, Anarchist
I feel like fall guys developers are doing everything in their power to have to further reduce this to 30 lol
Wasn’t it something like Paint3D?
From my perspective in Germany:
Your parents are mentally ill. And you will be too. Ask them.
The positive for experiences dont equal out the negative experiences though. Negative experiences weigh more
What kind of crawling issues
I’ve learned a lot over the 7 years I was on reddit actively.
I feel like I know every random thing about the USA and it’s cultural aspects etc. So much so that when I talk to someone from the USA I I know all things necessary to seem like I’m from the USA too.
A nuanced view about all things that can happen when you take drugs, general dosages with their effects (which is more nuanced than just looking at psychonautwiki or comparable)
Learned to have a better sense of empathy for difficult things for others that aren’t difficult for me
Learned to know when to disengage a conversation when the other person is acting in Bad faith
I didn’t word that correctly, you’re right In being able to see someone tapping their screen.
I don’t know how familiar you are with the knock code. These are the reasons why it’s near impossible for people around you to figure out the pattern, while still being very convenient:
You can have a very long knockcode, but still enter it really fast once commited to muscle memory
You can enter it while the phone is in Standby with display of
And lastly, the 4 seems weren’t absolute in size and location on display. You could pick up your phone and enter the knockcode with your thumb, only moving it in minimal distances relative to each segments, and the knockcode would be registered. These possible small movements compared with a relatively long code make it nigh impossible to figure out from observation
The knock code really was so convenient and safe. No way for other people to see it.
I was an avid fan of LG phones, especially the G series. I mean yeah, some features were kind of pointless (G5 Module??)
Some people do have it worse, that’s true.
But each episode increases the risk and potency of new episodes, especially when unmedicated
Bipolar disorder generally gets worse with time, it’s a degenerative illness
The game with most hours has to be Minecraft. I don’t know the exact amount but it has to be at around 4000 hours.
Second is CSGO with 3600 hours
Third is league of legends with around 3000 hours
Followed by Gmod with 900 hours
Fortnite with 600 hours
Fall guys with 500 hours
And after that it doesn’t really make sense to list them
I was very addicted to gaming in my youth .
No. They care about their interests. Hence I’m anti government
I’m sry, but I’ve been to lots of psych wards in Germany, and none were anywhere near this restricting, and there weren’t many incidents.
Patients attack you cause your system treats them like convicts. Treat them like a human and they will react way better