The line of reasoning that I have is this: there are many artists, entrepreneurs, scientists, etc out there, but few of them have the financial security and connections via their wealthy family to chase those careers that someone like Taylor Swift had growing up. Financial security in this case being a family there for you that can fully support you if your life goes sideways.
The issue that I see when we put people like Taylor Swift on the success pedestal, and they don’t acknowledge the privilege and luck that it took to get there, it feels disingenuous.
I wonder if there should be an exemption for those on Social Security.
That said, I don’t know of a good way to ensure that an exemption like that wouldn’t be abused.
Also not pictured: that the mountain is a spiritual site for the local tribes.
On minimum wage right? Otherwise it’s still a privilege.
Food deserts are a thing for millions of Americans. Another issue is that some folks don’t even have a proper kitchen (just a microwave and sink).
You can leave out the NSFW parts. What you’re downloading doesn’t have to be mentioned.
That’s the playbook isn’t it? Hit them hard, fast, and with so much controversy on all fronts that nobody can focus on any one thing.
Naw just a Junior that needs guidance.
It cost you exactly zero dollars to not post this.
Y’all are getting shares as part of your compensation?
I have a 6 pack of coke in my fridge right now bound with that kind of plastic.
I’m guessing you live outside the US?
You thinking back to when you were 5 is similar to what I was thinking. I’m not sure if giving kids tech that early on is a good thing. That said I’m not a counselor and not a parent so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
My biggest question is can your child read and comprehend what they are reading? I would think it’d be rather difficult to have them learn anything about tech if they are missing that skill.
Beyond that, looking back on my childhood (I was around that age in the early 00’s) I wish that there was less tech in my life then and that I was bored more often. That said I totally understand why some parents give their kids tablets or YouTube to get a break, parenting from the outside looking in is hella stressful and exhausting.
The kid is five… don’t.
At this point Linux and Windows are more like Xbox and PlayStation back in the the 2000’s, except Linux has a compatibility layer to allow it to run a lot of Windows games.
Doesn’t even need to be a trap, accidents happen (i.e. missing a dose of birth control).
Wait, the US works more on average than Japan? I wonder why Japan has a word for death by overwork but the US doesn’t?
Like getting shanked, then getting in trouble because of the zero tolerance policy (even when the parents brought up the offender before).