Also, who says vegans don’t support these ventures and call people murderers at the same time. We can have both.
Also, who says vegans don’t support these ventures and call people murderers at the same time. We can have both.
Or just ask what stock is going to raise the hardest and ask when is the best moment to sell if you have 2 questions
It’s not an American war, they have literally attacked a European country.
I mean, the guy is all knowing. That means he knew, back when he created Adam, that this moment would come. He could have changed 1000 things. Yet he chose this particular order of things leading to the ‘sacrifice’ of Jesus.
There’s just so many plot holes when you make a fella omniscient.
Being subscribed to a service that brought about a dozen magazines every week that we would rent including Donald duck, gossip magazines, etc. Sometimes getting to sneak the ‘adult’ one to the bathroom and spend some quality time there.
Yeah and movies from the 90’s are companies now. And TIL porn ratings get tested on animals first.
So it’s literally to prevent 9 year olds going 50 on an e-bike. Seems fair to me.
I’d guess that’s sooner than needed and that means more waste
I’m sorry you are getting downvoted, because technically you are right. TikTok will never claim to aim at children or advertise as such because they know they can’t provide a safe environment and will open themselves up to lawsuits.
You keep coming back to the circlejerk, but i do genuinely want to understand what you want me to provide. If I’m wrong, I want to know why so I can learn from it and that’s not sarcasm.
get plenty of healthcare because I live in a country with universal healthcare. It’s the shitty ones that don’t have it that usually have to deal with the concept of “non-profit” healthcare, which rapidly becomes stained by the for the for-profit industry surrounding it.
This is my entire point though, it’s not shitty by design, it’s the situation around it that can create a toxic environment that promotes abuse. You stated initially that non-profits are worse by design and exploitative, and all I’m saying is that this is not true in the entire world.
To emphasize what I mean, you state “it’s all shit” and then go on to say “but only in a country with shit healthcare”. This is exactly what I’m trying to say.
non-profits are worse by design, being both a tax write-off and deliberately exploitative entities
They work worse and act as an excuse not to offer universal care
I have universal healthcare
You keep going on about me providing proof but you are the one making a bold statement. You disprove the one example you provide because that’s clearly caused by the healthcare situation in general in that country.
So how do you expect me to provide proof of healthy and normal non-profit companies not being evil? That’s no news, there’s no article saying “company is ethical and normal”.
You claim that non-profit companies are exploitative by design, but any proof you provide will always be anecdotal. I told you from personal experience that I have seen multiple that are just fine. My proof will also always be anecdotal. But I’m not the one making a claim about the entire system of non-profit organisations, I’m saying that although it might sometimes be exploitative, I know it’s not always from personal experience.
As you’re generalising the entire system of non-profit organisations, the burden of proof is on you.
I’m sorry but your comment confuses me a bit. You specifically link to a US based article, and mention how bad non-profit organisations are. One of the things you mention as being bad about it (and why it doesn’t work) is because you don’t get healthcare.
Then I mention that this is not true for at least some other regions of the world, and I know that from personal experience, but now your saying I’m wrong? Or do you want me to share where I work?
I must just be misunderstanding your comment for sure, so please elaborate what you mean.
Has anyone ever told you the world is bigger than the US? Because it is, and I’m from there. That’s why healthcare isn’t a problem no matter what type of company I work in (if I even work). So maybe working non-profit in the US is unfair, but it is just as working for a normal organisation here in Europe.
I work in a non profit healthcare company and the first part of your statement is bullshit. No comment on the rest of it though but non profit can work just fine.
Not really, it just proves the shapes we chose were effective.
Sure, but the image says 10 mil.
Depending on how old you are there are so many investments that get you far over that 10 mil, but yes healthcare is a really valid point for taking the blue pill
You would not need the blue pill at that point. Just invest in Google and Microsoft and get some early bitcoin
You could also die tomorrow and the red pill could save you.
I live in the Netherlands. No one I know owns a gun. Yet I have all the things you list in abundance. Added bonus: lack of school shootings and gun violence.
Your propaganda argument is nothing but you sticking your head in the sand. That, or you are a successful troll.