5th woman ever to win Nobel for physics
5th woman ever to win Nobel for physics
My main question is: what automates pushing new content to my Plex libraries and kicking off a library scan?
Seems like there are lots of apps that do similar things (monitor trackers for example). I just need one that moves content from \Data\Torrents\ to Plex:\movies and tickles it enough to trigger a scan.
Does Overseerr do this?
Interesting. Ombi means I don’t have to run docker. How do you like it?
I just saw mangosteen in Chinatown Manhattan… First time seeing them in the us!!
Good questions. I own priorities, my team owns operation. Fixing this is on our list of priorities, not high enough to get the amount of attention needed to really fix it.
We have 3 (three. Three!!) redundant monitoring and alerting systems and have yet to detect the issues routinely found by our customers. Its not because we didn’t detect them, it’s because we have so many false positives we stopped looking (but still run the monitors).
Red hot rebar headed downstream at 40mph - holy shit!
There is a steel mill (recycling plant) in my town. They give tours every Friday. I have been 3 times, twice with teams of (software) engineers.
If you want to go see what engineering means when lives are on the line, tour a steel mill. Fucking amazing.
Park tool has good, informative videos: park tool
Saint Sheldon Brown is one of the best, original sources for internet cycling knowledge.
Getting doored while out riding, then falling into the road and getting run over by a garbage truck.
I ride my bike a lot. Somebody getting out of the back seat of a 4 door with out looking is a huge danger.
Yes, several times. Surprisingly: my shortest surgery (10 min to remove a device) resulted in about 10 days of serious depression. A shrink says this happens about 10 percent of the time. I wish I’d known this in advance, I’d have opted out. I will be more cautious in the future.
I met Danny at my local coffee shop. I am a total ass and said “Abed?”. He said " Danny. " and shook my hand. Thus confirming my status as Total Ass, and his as a mensch.
Once upon a time windows had absolute pathing. When you saved, it went in the directory you were in out where you told it.
Some time ago windows went to path relative to user. So now when you save to ‘desktop’ it could be one of several desktop folders. Windows tries to hide this by mapping ‘desktop’ to your user relative desktop, but it does this at the application level rather than in the base O/S. (Or, it does it on extended file system APIs). Some apps handle it, some apps don’t. If you have multiple users on a PC, it’s a mess.
I just sent a friend this very question. Tusks for the good suggestions! Moved to Open board + swipe and it sends great.
This is great! By far the best for swipe type.
That seemed plausible to me. But if so they’ve scrubbed it pretty well from the internet.
“…police confiscated a crossbow, a BB gun and various documents among other items, they added.”
Am I a joke to you?