Shrinking because it’s full of, and ran by commie dumbasses. Nobody likes you guys.
Shrinking because it’s full of, and ran by commie dumbasses. Nobody likes you guys.
Yeah really. Trust the science. Trust the doctors. NHS says it and it will be so.
Leftists can’t meme
Don’t care, don’t play new games, too expensive. Will wait for 90% off.
No he wasn’t, Gene Simmons even got into a big fight with him about it.
Reminder, Lemmy Kilmister collected nazi memorabilia. It might not be as deep as you think. Half the time metal with neo nazi themes just sounds like a bunch of dinosaures yelling.
Communists are the only people who believe that we are the only animals that can completely upend and violate the rules of nature that all other animals have to live by.
Full of commie rats
Well of course it is, it’s a commie shithole, and the internet already has enough of those.
Animals foraging resources in nature is capitalism mannnnn
You would be surprised at how good a cassette recorded from a vinyl album could sound.
I will go back to cassettes and 8-track before I give these greedy ass companies any money.
Well now that a bunch of dumbass teems don’t like my phone, guess I’ll get rid of it.
Let me ask you all something: does an increase in demand for something raise the price for it, or decrease the price?
I lose no sleep downloading and pirating from these piece of shit companies.
What genre of music do you find is most commonly blasted out of windows?
Not to mention their jokes suck