Strange. I find the language hideous, most likely because it resembles math, or maybe because I’m already used to the C-like syntax.
Strange. I find the language hideous, most likely because it resembles math, or maybe because I’m already used to the C-like syntax.
It’s not outside the realm of possibility. Though it had to be the perfect storm for something like that to cause a global catastrophe.
I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.
Where does leaving it out in the open fit?
Yes it does, and I will die fighting on this hill.
The… Toaster? Why the fuck would a Toaster run linux?
Finally, I can answer “Yes” on the greatest test of all questionnaires.
They fucking what now?
Put them in whatever order you like.
The bowl goes last.
“Web backend”
Youtube has been real silent since that one dropped.
Remember to be very specific about what he can lie about.
It can do multithreading using worker threads, IIRC.
What are you cooking your steak with? A singularity?
And this was the last time OP was heard of before mysteriously disappearing. Witnesses report seeing an Austrian man approaching OP before his disappearance.
The problem with sandboxes is that there isn’t a perfect prision. Eventually, ways will be found to break out of it, and there will be bad actors that will take advantage of such.
And it will get worse with WASM. At least now we can see the entirity of the code and even patch it if required, and WASM might make that way harder.
The Void consumes all.
Reminds me of this trifecta.