dude got away without a drop of blood lost. they were playing.
dude got away without a drop of blood lost. they were playing.
thats a shitty excuse if i ever heard one
they truly are a snacc
it is. but the holiday frogs are not bound to wednesdays
not having to work and still get to live comfortably and afford most of the things you desire
sharing information is important. whether or not you are glorifying it depends on context.
wait, second degree?
i live on one of the richest, most developed countries in the world with a good social system and universal healthcare and retirement.
why is this a punishment? do you realize that if you are born on a vacation of your parents, this prevents you from getting citizenship. is this logical to you?
that is some suggestive bs
im not american, but if youre trying to justify a system where it is extremely difficult to change laws and rules that are outdated or no longer feasable, be my guest.
as are guns. both are not necessarily beneficial
first idea of his that i dont find completely stupid
in Austria we call it “sozialdemokratie” and i believed americans translate that to socialism. wich is not national socialism or communism btw. and yes i do because, as i said, you can have a social base for your country and still habe a capitalist economy structure.
thats kinda every socialist countrys baseline (that works) and its also why the american propaganda associates it with CoMMuNisM.
thats kinda every socialist countrys baseline (that works) and its also why the american propaganda associates it with CoMMuNisM.
are you alright?