Im more impressed that you have spaces and a slash in your username…
Im more impressed that you have spaces and a slash in your username…
We should take up a collective for archive.org’s legal battle. Id LOVE it if they end up winning this one.
“Read reciepts ruin friendships.”
I dont remember where I read that quote, but I agree with it.
Connect isnt FOSS. The dev has said it will be at some point.
I got one of these when I was in my 20s and Id still recommend it. A little grooming goes a long way.
If that cat doesn’t poop for three days, this post will officially win lemmy.
During my fraternity days, I would often say, “the world is my bottle opener” just before using some random object to open a beer.
All that really matters is if its sturdy and small enough to catch over your knuckle and under the rim. Literally any object like that will work.
I periodically say random product names or search for things id have no use for just to see how far and wide it goes…it’s bad.
Ohio is a lot like Kanye: everyone keeps talking about it, even though most of it’s relevance is completely made up
Well that’s because unlike kayaks, there are many places in Ohio to use a gun.
It’s a reference to the Voyager space program,which followed the Apollo space program. Apollo was the name of the reddit app for iOS that was very popular, and had many of the same features
Along the same vein, I bought a flexible desk lamp with a built in magnifying glass for this type of stuff - use it almost daily.
The “epicurian” brand is perfect for this, or their knockoffs. Its like 1/4" thick (6mm) composite wood. I have one that even fits in my laptop bag - way better than any designated “lap board” I’ve ever found.
I have a set of these designed for musicians, theres an open channel through them, and you put a special “button” at te outward end, that lowers volume without affecting sound quality. I think the company is called “Etymotic Research”
I have a smaller version of this, its just slightly larger than a normal frozen pizza. Pure game changer.
Miley Cyrus did a tribute to Tom Petty and it was incredible. I never thought I would say that about anything she did.
The cake is a lie.
So have you found a way to properly center a div?! (Cause I want to know to know if theres a good way to it too)
So the instructions are literally ‘keep a diary’?
Man, I drive an older German car, and they take their warning lights seriously. Like if you’re driving to the hospital and the gas light comes on, you’re stopping for gas.