And they’re not going to pay millions to be the default for a browser that no one uses.
And they’re not going to pay millions to be the default for a browser that no one uses.
Yeah, its not unreasonable that you’d have a remote way to access the device to gather debug data with the customers consent. An SSH key in the firmware is a flexible way to do that, so long as there are good controls in place to ensure that it isn’t misused.
I think multiple people already have access to the databases that store the data the device sends. I don’t really care whether they get the data from the device itself or from the database.
Similarly, I think multiple people have the ability to make changes to the firmware build and the systems that distribute it. So those people already have the potential ability to gain access to the device.
One person or multiple people having unauthorised access are both unacceptable. I’m saying that the users have to trust the companies ability to prevent that occurring, and that therefore this particular technical detail is mostly irrelevant
I’m 90% sure it is not a single user. I just don’t see how that really affects the security of the product, given that the company that sells it can already do the things the author is saying can be done if you have this key.
To be clear, I wouldn’t buy this. I just don’t think the SSH key makes it any worse than it already was
A shared account doesn’t mean everyone who works there has access to it, or that those who do have access aren’t subject to some type of access control.
The article basically goes on to say that the existence of this key makes a huge difference to the security/privacy of the product. It argues that using it, someone could access data from the device, or use it to upload arbitrary code to the device for it to run. However, those are both things the user is already trusting the company with. They have to trust that the company has access controls/policies to prevent individual rogue employees doing the things described. It seems unreasonable to say that an SSH key being on the device demonstrates that those controls aren’t in place.
The email address attached to the public key, eng@eightsleep.com, to me suggests the private key is likely accessible to the entire engineering team.
This assumption is doing a lot of heavy lifting in the authors argument that this is a big deal.
This assumes that the reviewer who gave the rating wasn’t considering value as part of their scoring. I’d expect the reviewer to be scoring a TV based on his good it is compared to similarly priced competitors, not comparing to every other TV on the market
Here’s an Olympic sprinter powering a toaster. He generates 0.021kWh going flat out: https://youtu.be/S4O5voOCqAQ
It’s not that you change the passwords for each website often, it’s that you use a different password for each site. That way if one site gets hacked and your password is leaked, it can’t be used to access your accounts on other sites.
Plenty of costs don’t depend on how much usage there is. If a tree falls and takes out a power line it cosrs the same whether that line was being used at 1% capacity or 100%
It’s a quite entitled view to take that they should make an effort to pass the project on. It would be very hard to build sufficient trust in a new developer quickly, and passing it on without that trust would be undermining the trust that users of the projects have placed in this dev. If I were him, I wouldn’t be staking my reputation on finding someone to take over from me if there wasn’t already an obvious candidate.
The successful fundraiser you mention looks to have had a target of $12k USD (from: https://discuss.techlore.tech/t/divestos-is-unsustainable-needs-community-support-we-sent-250-and-you-can-help-too/6660, the original page has been taken down), and was as a alternative to them taking a full time job. I’d say its a reasonable bet that money was spent on living expenses, and IMO $12k a year is much less than this level of skilled work is worth. It’s certainly not enough money to make it unreasonable to shut down the project a year later, and I doubt anyone who donated feels shortchanged by it.
Why would it need 5GHz? At most it needs to do two audio streams, which aren’t going to need lots of bandwidth
The upside of IANA doing it would be a standardised place for sites to move to. Without coordination, different sites would move to different TLDs, probably mostly based on what isn’t already registered. IANA could create a new TLD for this and give existing whatever.io owners a chance to register whatever.iox before its generally available
If you’re just commuting & riding flat, even-ish trails, you maybe don’t need a MTB at all. You’ll get much bigger changes in handling/comfort/speed from changing the style of bike than the marginal gains from upgrading individual parts.
What are you hoping to gain from a drivetrain upgrade? It might make more sense to look at changing the type of bike you have, rather than trying to transform a MTB to act like a hybrid/gravel/road bike
How exactly is it hashed? There aren’t that many possible phone numbers, so it might be viable to just try every valid number until you find one that matches
Blaming Spotify for this is like blaming the company that made your TV for showing you ads that are part of the broadcast. Unless Spotify makes the specific podcast you’re listening to, they’re just playing you the content someone else made, including the ads they included in that content.
It’s marked solved, but since OP didn’t post the solution:
uses basic regular expressions, where you need to escape the meta-characters ((|)
) with a backslash. Alternatively, use extended regex with -E
$ echo a | grep -E "(a|b)"
$ echo a | grep -e "\(a\|b\)"
$ echo a | grep -e "(a|b)"
$ echo a | grep -E "\(a\|b\)"
The xz compromise having demonstrated that FOSS projects are totally immune to interference from state actors…
Try it. The worst that happens is that it makes things slower and then you turn it back off.
I think this is maybe best expressed as pmOS development being controlled by the community, rather than a single organisation. I’d much rather use an OS where I have confidence that the developers are acting in the users best interest, rather than their employers best interest.
My opinion is that forks/downstreams of giant codebases like AOSP are largely going to have to accept choices made by the upstream. They can maybe pick and chose a few points where they maintain local patches, but that takes a lot of effort.
As an example, I think most chromium-based browsers will end up dropping support for uBlock Origin because Google dropped it upstream. That’s the kind of choice they [edit: i.e. google] can make in their own self-interest by virtue of controlling the project, and the reason I’d prefer to use community-developed software.