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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • Yep. I had someone “explain” to me that the only reason I had morals was that I was a good god fearing Christian. Because they couldn’t fathom the idea that someone could treat others well and not want to harm anyone without fearing god. When I said I’m an atheist they absolutely refused to believe me. Like they walked away from the conversation convinced I am Christian solely because I’d never killed anyone.

  • Yep, hypocrisy is great ain’t it? I’ve had people tell me that being LGBT is a religion and therefore it shouldn’t be allowed to be taught to children, and then in the same paragraph say that all kids should be raised Christian. I’ve also had people tell me I was too young to know in my mid 20s that I wanted a hysterectomy, but then turn around and defend circumcision. Here’s the thing though, while yes, I did want a hysterectomy, it was done for medical necessity. In a two sentence comment someone defended newborn circumcision, and then told me my doc should be in jail “for mutilating the genitals of a child”. Because apparently people in their 20s are children.

  • Yep, every public pool, every outdoor pool, and every pool that ever has small kids in it has pee in it. Which is basically every pool. Also it’s that a third of adults have admitted to peeing in the pool, so that number is likely much larger. That super strong “chlorine” smell that people associate with pools isn’t chlorine, it’s chloramine, which is, as my boss put it, “Chlorine bonded to “stuff””. “Stuff” being literally anything that isn’t water. This includes pee, but also lotion, make-up, hair gel, everything. If you get bright red eyes from the water you don’t wanna be swimming in it. A little red is expected, everyone having bloodshot eyes? Nope nope nope, you will not catch me in that water.