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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I think GOG might be an exception to this, where they will never revoke access to the games you previously bought, but I am not 100% sure of their policies.

    They are, when you buy a game from gog they send you the installation files. You install and run it with your own hardware whereas with Steam and other digital gaming companies you are just getting access to the game on their servers. By sending you the installers and letting you play independently from their servers gog gives up the ability to lock you out. It’s the primary reason that they should be the first choice for where to buy a digital version of a game. The upside is that it’s the closest you can get to actually owning a digital copy of a game; the downside is that playing on another device requires that you transfer files and reinstall rather than just logging into a remote server.

  • What you’re talking about is a calculation based on the birth of John the Baptist. John the Baptist’s father was a priest in the order of Abijah and John the Baptist was conceivced with his father’s barren wife as a reward for his service in the temple. His service would have ended in June. The angel Gabriel visited Mary in the sixth month of that pregnancy to tell her that she would birth Jesus. The calculation is June + 6 = Dec + 9 = September.

    December is definitely not the correct month because the story has shepherds tending their flocks in the field. Sheep have to be brought in from the field for the winter months and would not have been in the field in December. They would have been moved to shelter no later then the end of October.

    The year is also problematic. Jesus was born during the reign of King Harrod who died in 4BCE. And during a mass killing of babies which, if it happened at all, would have occurred at least a couple of years before Harrod’s death.

    It’s also worth saying that there isn’t good evidence for Jesus having ever existed at all. It seems most likely that he did and was a reformist rabbi that the myth was built around but no one apparently wrote anything about him for a century or two after his death.

  • In games that have gender based perks, like Agent of Dibella in Skyrim or LadyKiller/Black Widow in the Fallout games tend to be stronger for female characters because more of the NPC’s are male. This is more adding another reason than claiming that it’s the main reason. I don’t exclusively play either male or female but typically when I play a female character it’s because I’m building a character that is less physically aggressive. I know this is playing into stereotypes but sword and board tends to be male while stealth archer tends to be female.

  • It was the large option at the time but it is not as large as the one in your link. Mine is also all grey. I got 2 cats from my local animal shelter, they were about 2 and 3 months old at the time and the younger one was a little bigger than the older which should have been a warning sign. They are both American shorthairs. My older cat is white with a calico saddle and is only a little bigger than average, she is 14 lbs. My younger cat is almost solid black with 2 little white toes on one of his back feet. He is 22 lbs, over a foot tall, and from his nose to the end of his tail he is 39inches. He can stand on his back feet and get stuff off the kitchen counter.