Then you probably shouldn’t waste so much of other people’s time by claiming something didn’t happen if you haven’t even bothered to fucking check.
Then you probably shouldn’t waste so much of other people’s time by claiming something didn’t happen if you haven’t even bothered to fucking check.
He very clearly salutes, turns around, and salutes again. Twice in a row, enthusiastically and perfectly executed.
If you haven’t seen this, you didn’t watch the inauguration.
You can’t, and that’s irrelevant to what I was responding to.
Those companies polluting are making products that people are buying, they don’t just pollute for the hell of it. If everyone actually changed their buying habits these companies (and most of the global economy) would collapse.
Come on, that’s fucking stupid. You think Nazis are born that way? Of course people become Nazis, and it’s happening more and more.
I took a similar class almost 20 years ago, and it unquestionably kept me from at least 2 serious accidents, and potentially saved my life. I cannot recommend them enough to new drivers, it’s absolutely the most dangerous part of our daily lives.
And yeah, these mirror settings are the absolute best way to drive. It takes some getting used to, but there are absolutely no downsides to having a wider field of vision.
When adjusted like this, you can still easily see the side of your own car by moving your head slightly, which is trivial when backing up.
I learned about this in a driving class almost 20 years ago and never looked back (pun fully intended).
Well they did find Shmi, but by then she’d been freed and married to Cleig Lars. She did free a shitload of other slaves from Tatooine, but at that point there’s no reason to steal Shmi away from a reasonable life.
They did write a book about her trying to do this - Queen’s Shadow.
You literally just rephrased exactly what they just said. Who do you think the ‘third of us who learn and try to repeat it but better’ was talking about?
What ‘good’ was he actually trying to do? Padme was in no actual danger, he just had dreams about her dying. A desire to force someone to live beyond their natural life through any possible means and despite all negative consequences is not ‘good’. There is no universe where murdering dozens of children is ok because he might be able to save his wife from something bad that might happen to her at some future point.
Having superpowers powered by emotion is dangerous, and the whole point of Jedi training is to understand and recognize your emotions, so that you don’t allow intense emotions to control your actions.
Anakin did not learn those lessons. Ignoring emotion is the antithesis of Jedi teaching, the entire point is to learn how to deal with them in a healthy way.
I don’t think you’re on the right track here. There are definitely existing laws in most states regarding ‘revenge porn’, creating sexual media of minors, Photoshop porn, all kinds of things that are very similar to ai generated deep fakes. In some cases ai deepfakes fall under existing laws, but often they don’t. Or, because of how the law is written, they exist in a legal grey area that will be argued in the courts for years.
Nowhere is anyone suggesting that making deepfakes should be prosecuted as rape, that’s just complete nonsense. The question is, where do new laws need to be written, or laws need to be updated to make sure ai porn is treated the same as other forms of illegal use of someone’s likeness to make porn.
You are failing the very basics of reading comprehension here.
“according to your take, literally every animal ever discovered was discovered by a cryptozoologist, because something is impossible until it is already known.”
This is so much nonsense I can’t even figure out what the hell you’re talking about. Are you just a word salad AI bot? As I’ve said repeatedly, real zoologists discover and document new species every day. Nowhere have I suggested anything is impossible.
“except the ones who investigated and discovered legendary animals that turned out to be real by gathering information, theorizing the existence of an animal, figuring out where the information pointed them, doing field research, and finding those animals.”
Again, every single one of those discoved by not a cryptozoologist because the concept wasn’t invented until 1950. You’re completely dismissing the work of naturalists, biologists, and the occasional trophy hunter, and instead crediting a concept that wouldn’t exist for half a century.
“like the conclusion most people had that there are no way gorillas can be real because there was no evidence for them until a guy went to the jungle, found a skull, and suddenly gorillas were “real”.”
Again, that’s the work of a naturalist.
I’m not gonna keep banging my head against this wall. I assumed you were misguided but interested in the subject, but now it’s clear you have some emotional attachment to the ‘romantic’ idea of cryptozoology and you aren’t interested in reality. If you do decide to actually learn something, I suggest you start with the Wikipedia article that started this conversation.
I think moreso an opportunity for developers of specific genres to get attention in an increasingly crowded marketplace.
Feel free to point to a single species discovered by a cryptozoologist.
Zoologists discover and document unknown animals every day. That’s the real science involved in known or unknown creatures. That’s the equivalent to chemistry in your atrocious analogy.
Cryptozoology is more akin to Alchemy. It’s people who fundamentally disagree with basic scientific principles, starting from a conclusion and trying to force whatever paltry evidence they can find into a preexisting mold while ignoring all evidence contrary to their beliefs. There’s a reason Cryptozoology is tied so closely to young earth creationism.
All the animals you’ve mentioned here were well known for decades (even centuries) before the (pseudo)science of Cryptozoology was established in the 1950s.
It is absolutely pseudoscience. The only subjects of study are creatures that have no concrete evidence of existence. In the 75 years since the establishment of the ‘discipline’, no new species have been documented by cryptozoologists. Meanwhile, actual biologists discover (and more importantly document) hundreds of new animal species every year.
Even if some famous cryptid were to be proven to exist, it would immediately be no longer a cryptid. They’re just animals, and would be studied by zoologists just like Komodo dragons are.
Don’t know why the headline is so shitty, but the “mmo” seems to be a splatoon-like multiplayer game unrelated to pokemon.
That she has absolutely no control over. In case you’ve forgotten, she’s the VP, and has no fuctional control in the government besides casting the tiebreaking vote in the Senate.
But do go on shilling for Trump, I’m sure he’d be proud of your obvious disinterest in truth.
Liquor stores are government run in most Canadian territories. It wasn’t a National mandate, but it was a government mandate in the provinces that did make that decision.