It’s coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywher…wait…that’s sands… Nevermind…
It’s coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywher…wait…that’s sands… Nevermind…
Auto Dealers : (adds “Market Adjustment” $$$ to offset the cheaper EV prices…) “Hey, why no one buy EV? We need a bail out!”
You’ll get the (tip) when you fix this damn door!
Go Team Venture!
Peter Quill : Exactly like Footloose. Is it still the greatest movie in history?
“That still only counts as one”
“Illegal somewhere” Mad Lib:
"The rest of us are so used to *__ every day. I never would have thought about it!
I guess I can stop * for a little bit while in (place)__. If you insist.”
That thing where you close your eyes, forget everything, and open them to end up (min/hrs) in the future!
Mallrat to “Astrologers”:
Ha ha ha ha. You dumb bastard. It’s not a (goat)… it’s a Sailboat.
Or time things Just right, to accidentally drop something and reach down at the same time to pick it up. Or reach for the same book/grocery/product.
They get PAID suspension for not doing their job right…
There are other auto makes besides KIA/Hyundai, to be considered… that didn’t overlook a “easy to steal with a USB” type problems.
Danger scale between:
A Tornado that shoots sharks
A T-Rex that shoots flamingos
Normal or cocaine…space…bears?
Like car tires? Replace 1 at a time.
Replace front/back pair at a time.
Replace all 4 same time.
I think just preference…not weird…
I’ve met more people that hate Carrots, then raisins. Not sure why. A carrot cinnamon roll… Would be weird…?
Shang-chi chooses Lemmy, confirmed.
You’re already working, as the cats’ bed for the day.
Old McDonald was more fun, E-I-E-I-O