In this situation, I would recommend grape seed oil. It has a higher smoking point.
When I was like 12, I thought chain wallets were the shit. Unfortunately my parents wouldn’t let me have one. I ended up hooking a bunch of Disney keychains together and wore that as my chain wallet. This was often worn with my favorite sleeveless neon green shirt and my lucky black and white checkered shorts.
When you drive an Uber in America.
I prefer “revenge procrastination bedtime”. I need to get back at that shitty day I just had.
This is the plot to the Paw Patrol movie.
Is there an option , without getting thrown in jail, where my tax dollars aren’t used to kill brown children across the globe?
Anyone else like to breath when they require oxygen?
Tradition. I think it’s just the photographers asking for the shot
I wish we could learn from our mistakes.
Welp, we’re fucked.
Last year during a flight, a passenger died of health complications mid air. They were doing CPR on her in the middle of the isle right in front of me. Even though I never knew her, it still felt personal and fucked me up for a bit. Didn’t help my fear of flying either.
I think what they are trying to say that if you can quickly grab your loaded firearm and be ready for defense, then you are not storing your firearms correctly. Firearms should be locked up and ammo kept separate.