It’s the tool for making golf course holes.
It’s the tool for making golf course holes.
Wow, had no idea this was a thing. I’m gonna check these out. Man I’m so entering next year.
Last time I tried it there was no view library like Winamp. Nope. At that point just use VLC or MPV.
Very excited by this. Hopefully they go all the way and GPL it. There hasn’t been any mp3 player I’ve enjoyed using as much as Winamp.
Lol this is more like death by gunshot. Can’t wait till reddits just all AI-generated crap.
That looks cool. Not what I’m looking for but interesting. Reminds me a bit of the MegamanEXE games.
Collectathons are just games (usually platformers) where you collect a bunch of stuff. Spyro you got the items in each level, gems, chests, sidequests (that give you items) and so on. There’s a lot of stuff to collect. Banjo Kazooie is another collectathon.
Yeah this looks right up my alley. Man, the GBA really had all the isometric platformers.
The banjo game looks right up my alley. Idk, something about these kinda-jank and simple GBA games just appeals to me so much. Didn’t know Conker had a GBC game. It looks about how I would expect it lol. Thanks.
Man, I’ve never actually used Mobygames aside from seeing it in Google search once in a while. Didn’t know you could do those kinds of searches. Way better than trying to trawl through IGDB. Gonna check this out. Thanks! I already see a few that definitely fit the bill (and all GBA too!)
Both Dark Void games remain really underrated. Enjoyed them both.
Hell I thought Dark Void was already delisted years ago.
This is what I did. There’s just too many variables to consider between the phones. You need a matrix.
Literally me but Blender keybindings. I can only learn so many shortcuts, imma stick to Nano.
Okay but does the FPGA scratch your cartridges? Don’t see so. Analogue wins again.
It’s average. Which is about the same I feel for the original Crazy Taxi.
Doesn’t matter. Mile High Taxi already superseded Crazy Taxi. Just play that.
I’m sure its got an incredible story and I’d love it if I actually sat down but im in the same boat. Just not interested.
And then just go PGP if you want even more security.
I’ve tried several games like it. Arcanum being one of the most similar but I just can’t get into that style, no matter how many times I’ve tried lol. Same reason I won’t play Planescape: Torment. Just not for me. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I quite enjoy using it. Stays out of the way, boots instantly, is very plain looking.