I completely agree with your comment; the idea that a total stranger would assume you play so much Factorio specifically based on just your looks is very funny to me. I imagine an individual just plastered in Factorio paraphernalia.
I’ve been replaying Link’s Awakening on my phone using a gbc emulator, you could try that. I’ve also just found Winlator so I might start also playing Sam and Max, you might see if those point you in any directions.
I’m not a scientist, but I think the question you’re asking is the question they’re seeking to answer by searching for life in these places. There isn’t an assumption that if it had liquid water it may have had life (that statement alone inherently isn’t an assumption), they are searching for any evidence of life on Mars because A) it’s the closest and easiest planet to get to and B) while we know in what conditions life on Earth arose, we can’t be sure the same conditions are necessary somewhere else, for life that possibly may not be carbon based.
I really appreciate you taking the time to clear that up for me, I see what you mean now. I was never really into scary movies but the kind of movie you’ve described sounds really interesting.
How do you mean “close the circle” in this case? Do you mean the writers of the films were trying to limit the amount of characters involved in the story? I read through the link but I’m not sure I understand what you mean by the “circle” stuff.
You absolutely should, I got an MSX emulator to play MG2 and I loved it. I couldn’t get the english patch to work but I used a translated script page online and just followed along lol
I tried the port that came with MGS3 Subsistance but I didn’t like the changes to the artwork, I prefer Snake to look like Jeff Daniels
The story beats are so similar to MGS1, it’s as if MGS1 is a 3D remaster. I think they kind of referenced that in MGS2 with the S3 Solid Snake Simulation thing.
Virologist beats cancer with one weird trick!!! Scientists HATE her!!!
I don’t think either of the chart’s axes list efficiency?
Sure, but you could say the exact same thing about bees. The point of the article is that most people see ‘wasps’ as being all bad, without the nuance that is afforded to bees.
What do you expect? It’s rock hard
You mean the doodle at the bottom?
High pressure sodium bulbs put out orange yellow light that has a low CRI, so anything they illuminate looks orangey yellow
I guess, but wasn’t the point of bumble to turn that on it’s head? Like, traditionally, the guy on a dating site is supposed to come up with a semi-witty first text in order to not be buried. Bumble set itself apart by having the lady message first to avoid that, right? What happened?
They’re saying that people who are buying these sorts of vehicles on Craigslist would pay so much more money for such a simple addition. It’s kind of like how people in the early 2000’s would add a rear wing to their car and call it a sports car; if you add a snorkel, it’s now a off-road vehicle and worth much more in those peoples eyes.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised but shit, man.
Why is this guy being downvoted? Is there an implication of Folgers endorsing Trump? Is it implied that his liking Folgers is because of their Trump endorsement?
I’m genuinely asking, I’m hella out of the loop
Some people think tap water tastes bad
I fully expected it to stick a fork in that socket
I wish someone would answer you instead of thanking you in advance, I’d like to know too