There are rumors the original creators are making a new animated show about the next avatar in the cycle who is an earth bender. More info is supposed to be released this year!
There are rumors the original creators are making a new animated show about the next avatar in the cycle who is an earth bender. More info is supposed to be released this year!
As an old person who plays Genshin Impact, the “character banners” are 100% loot boxes. They have a pity system which guarantees a five star character after 100 “wishes” but even then it may not be the character you wanted. You might have to “wish” up to 200 times to get the five star character you are “wishing” for on the banner. Since you are not buying the character out right and gambling to get them it’s a loot box.
For anyone who doesn’t play “character banners” are a limited run (3 weeks) of a five star character that you can only get from the banner. “Wishes” are like rolls for the character. Each wish you lose gives you either a weapon (3 star/practically useless in game) and every 10 wishes gurantees a four star weapon or four star character.
I was about to roll my eyes and scroll past your comment but then I read “powdered wig”. I was committed to read it all when I saw “smoothbore”. The “tally ho lads” was hilarious. Great job all the way through!
I did it with a feather, two eggs, and a barrel of molasses.
I jokingly accuse my partner of stealing my glasses when I lose them. I just put them down in random places and am then too blind to find them again. A few days ago I told my partner I lost my glasses and he blamed ME for stealing my own glasses!! How can I steal my own glasses??
I grew up in FL and had a “pet” opossum for a while. Her mom was hit by car when she was a baby and she crawled up to our front door during a rain storm. My mom was heart broken when she realized what happened so she let us keep her till she was old enough to be released. She was super cuddly and would crawl up on your neck and lick your hair. We partially potty trained her using dog pee pads. The only down side is she liked to borough in our couch so we had to move the couch often and clean it out.
Once she was an adult we would let her out at night when other opossums in the neighborhood were around. She usually came back in the morning and would eat a bunch of food. One day she didn’t come back so I hope she integrated with the local opossums and lived a happy life.
So I didn’t read all the replies so I’m not sure if someone said this better but physical attraction has many parts and the best thing you can do is figure out what exactly you are attracted to and find someone who meets most of that. For example, maybe you like dark hair, angular nose, and light eyes. Then you can look for someone with those features.
However I would like to say that attraction is so much more than physical and I truly think you should focus on what non-physical things you are attracted to instead. Years ago I figured out I wanted a partner with a similar sense of humor, kind/caring, and actually listened to me when I talked. When I focused on people with those qualities I had such a better dating experience. I ended up marrying someone who previously wouldn’t have been a top pick physically but our emotional connection is super strong.
I’ve seen so many friends struggle with relationships where the physical attraction is strong but they don’t fully click on everything else. What I’m saying is find the qualities thst really matter to you both physical and personality-wise and look for people who fit those. You’ll be surprised to see how your preferences can change physically when you’re with someone you have a strong emotional connection with.
It’s been a really long time since I read “The Three Musketeers” but I loved the way they described the duels. I also love the way sword duels from that time period are portrayed in movies. Fencing is also something I enjoy watching everytime the Olympics comes around.
The house I grew up in had two trees in the front yard. We would tie string (probably a thin nylon rope) between the trees and hang sheets/blankets on the string, creating a “fort”. All the neighborhood kids would hang out there in the summer and we had so much fun pretending it was a fort, spaceship, bus, etc.
I hope this is figurative but I’m scared it’s literal.
I also didn’t think I would be on the cheating husband’s side but good for him standing up for his kids. I’ve seen far to many fathers drop their kids for their new girlfriend/wife.
This would be a great short story if for some reason the AI didn’t realize there was going to be a date issue and didn’t properly update itself causing it to crash. Then the problem is it was self sufficient for so long no humans know how to restart it or fix the issue, causing society to have a technology blackout for the first time in centuries.
I used to think the same but I recently decided to embrace my curly hair and the way you use certain shampoos/conditioners can be different. I’ve had to read the instructions each time I try a new brand to make sure I don’t ruin my hair.
I always say “Digiorno!” when I see him.
And Florida! They will be the first to go.
I have a similar story! My family was having a reunion at a restaurant but some people didn’t know how to get to the restaurant (before GPS or mapquest), so my dad told them to follow him in their cars. My dad was driving in the first car and there were like 3 other cars behind us with family. As were driving on the highway my dad dumps a bag of pistachio shells out the window (idk where he got the bag from) and pelts all my family’s cars. It was so funny when we got to the restaurant and all the cars behind us were super confused about the pistachio shells.
So if you are in school or going back to school for psychology then I recommend just focusing on your degree and maybe take elective classes in your side interests when you have time. I didn’t study psychology but my major was really labor intensive and I needed all the time I could to study and work on projects. However, I did take a fun forensics class as an elective that is still one of my all time favorite classes since I loved CSI.
After you graduate and get a steady job, you’ll have more time to focus on your interests. I schedule out my week and take classes at a local school after work in things that interest me. Then weekends I dedicate to family/friend time. I also watch YouTube videos in my free time.
As many people have mentioned kids, its good to note that I don’t have kids at this time. I plan to have kids in the future and am aware that my night classes will have to end when I do. However that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make because I really want kids. I just hope that one day I’ll be able to share my hobbies with future kids or enjoy what hobbies they are interested in.
I honestly haven’t had the 3x spicy version so I honestly cant say anything about it. I had the Spicy and Hot Chicken which, based on the name, I’m guessing is milder. I know that spice tolerance is a huge thing and can vary wildly from person to person so I totally understand how it could be a bad experience to some. Which is why I think a recall is silly and instead they should have a warning so those who like it can continue to eat it.
Sounds like a skill issue.
But seriously I’m guessing people in Denmark (or these regulators) don’t eat much spicy food because I’ve had the Spicy and Hot Chicken and it wasn’t spicy to me.
Omg thank you for this!!! I never understood when whom would ever be used!!