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The US has never been a democracy, at best it was arguably a halfway decent representative republic at one time but if so that was before anyone here was born
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You ran a shit candidate and lost, take the L and be better
Quit blaming others for your failures and be better
For the best really, if they had chosen a more competent candidate they could be doing a lot more damage with far less bad press and diplomatic fallout
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Be less gullible
Peaceful protest has literally never accomplished anything without the credible threat of violence, you are delusional
Dead wrong, you are historically and politically illiterate
If you think any protest anywhere ever is about following rules then you have completely missed the point of protest
No, representative democracy works when the system is designed to actual require representatives to do that, to represent their constituents. The US does not do that.
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If your representatives aren’t in any way obligated to vote in accord with the wishes or best interests of the people they represent then it’s definitely not any kind of democracy
There are exactly zero people “calling everyone nazis”, this is not a real problem
A 1 to 1 vote to citizen ratio that is the actual determining factor in decision making, the electoral college alone completely destroys any argument for the US being a democracy just by existing, and we’ve had that bullshit running since day one
Incorrect, fixed definitions don’t stay fixed forever, that doesn’t mean they aren’t fixed right now. Words mean things, if a word changes meaning in a generation or two or five it’ll mean fuck all for you right here and now.
The US is not a democracy at all and never was. It was arguably at various points in time a representative republic, not a particularly good one but that’s not part of the definition.
I don’t care what you think, I know you’re using the term loosely that’s my point, fucking duh
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