We are watching the Sprawl Series come to fruition as we’ll speak in real time. Very Screwed…
We are watching the Sprawl Series come to fruition as we’ll speak in real time. Very Screwed…
How far the WH has fallen. Oval Office as a prop for fucking GoYa beans before.
This is what I did as well. I also had to get some flavored water i found I liked the taste of and it helped to have a variety.
Carbonated water helps
Neuromancer, with out updating it for technology. I want that phone bank scene.
For some reason I was thinking you were talking about that Mario Van Peebles movie
The majority of the ones in the spindle are actual discs I collected with out cases. I need to properly store them at some point.
I loved Lunar. I wound up playing the second one first. Then went back to play the first.
Fextra life just put a video out about it too https://youtu.be/LDRVdfzHXDI?si=DVHH-sqnGE52n_Rs
I won’t start over. But, I’ll hate play until I get another one.
Money and purchasing the right people.
All the time. For shortcuts and opening programs.
What CPU do you have?
I do t think it works with Wayland yet, does it?
Haven’t watched him in forever. Has he reached full money grab?
Another one for the graveyard
I started dropping off after every time I started to boot my Xbox it just was just ads upon ads trying to sell me stuff and not gettin me into the games faster.
It is way too much of a transaction first over any real substance game. This is just something to get people in the door to sell you more crap.
We don’t even have a game mode filter yet, but they will sure spend the year shoving microtransactions in your face.
One of the best things I have done. I don’t even miss it and the thought of going back is sickening in a way.