My work gave me a L2 switch because they were going to toss it out. Is there any reason for me to use that over the built-in switch from my ISP’s router/modem?
To make the room louder
More ports? Faster ports?
More total throughput between pairs of ports that want to talk to each other at the same time maybe?
Also while unlikely, if it’s PoE you can power stuff with it
It is PoE but I don’t have any PoE-powered devices.
Now you need an access point.
The two main benefits I see are:
- A dedicated L2 switch is probably going to be faster when transferring between two connected clients
- You could set up VLANs, if you have a desire to. Not sure if your wifi router has that option.
probably going to be faster when transferring between two connected clients
Pretty much all switches are wire-speed these days, even the cheap ones.
By “wire-speed” do you mean they’re just as fast as if you didn’t have a switch in between?
Yes :)
A gigabit switch is going to give you the full 1Gbps between any two ports on the switch. Same with 2.5Gbps and 10Gbps switches. You should see very little variance between different switches.
Usually the only time you’ll find slower speeds is if it’s a router rather than a switch, and the ports are all routed. This is uncommon, and for example a 5-port router is usually really a 4-port switch plus a router in a single device.
Having more than 4 computers wired directly because the ISP provided one only has 4 ports? That’s all I got.