Almost got all the golds!
Revenge was my favorite, but nothing beats BO2 Crash Mode
🎵We are the Lazy Generation🎵
The soundtrack was so good.
I’ve been playing Burnout Revenge on my Steam Deck recently. It’s incredible how well the Burnout series has aged, still some of the best arcade racers out there.
Played the shit out of 3, then even moreso paradise city. Then I bought paradise city again on PC. Then on switch lol. Mobile burnout is fun… Love that game.
My favourite racing game of all time. Too bad the franchise was ruined by EA.
More “left to rot” than ruined. Paradise was great too, and then there was nothing until Paradise Remastered (unless you count that one mobile game).
Paradise was great, but I think strict tracks are way better than finding your way from point A to point B.
It’s such a buzzkill to lose a race because you took a turn you shouldn’t have after blazing through the first 3/4 of it in first. For a game that requires twitch reactions at high speeds, it certainly was a choice to make players have to constantly take their eyes off the road to find the map.
It was so frustrating. It would be better if they had tracks set up after you start a race.
Omg I loved this game!!! Such a cathartic thing to do after a shitty day at work.
Soundtrack started playing in my head as soon as I saw that picture 😂 miss playing this on my old Trinitron.
Favourite game on PS2, hands down
Saw the Burnout series in this youtube video once.
Never played it, it does look like fun though, I’d like to play it sometime.
That was really interesting, thanks for sharing!
Was just emulating this last night. Thank heavens for PCSX2 at 4k60. The art is so well done in this game it still looks awesome at high res.
I still get flashbacks to the Tropical Drive Westbound time trial with the F1 car. Took me years before I got good enough to beat it. Also one of the first games that I got 100% on.
You can do it!
Thanks! Some of those burning laps are brutal
I remember the burning lap with the F1 car being the race that I couldn’t beat as a kid. Now I’ll have to go back and try it again
Ugh. I don’t mind more the encroaching of the definition of retro, but can we have sub classifications? Burnout 3 has to be generation 7 or 8 in consoles right? My retro ends at Gen 3…
Now please remove yourselves from my lawn before I feel the need to apologize at you for asking you to remove yourself from my lawn.
I’m playing on a Trinitron that’s gotta count for something!
I think it’s Gen 6 (PS2/Xbox). But at the time the Gen 6 consoles were new, the Gen 3 that you consider retro was about 20 years old, just like these consoles are now. I think they still fit the label of retro pretty well, but it’s always hard to consider something newer than your childhood as “old” tbh
Burnout 3 is a PS2/Xbox game, 6th gen. It definitely holds up better than a lot of 7th gen games though.
6th Gen? Man they pumped a lot of sequels back in those days. I’d probably take it today opposed to our Skyrim/GTA cycles and games as a service.
A couple of years ago, I played through Burnout 2 on the Wii. It’s still a fantastic racer. I’m sure I had Burnout 3 on the original Xbox but I can’t remember much about it.
Boom! Boom… boom… BoomkaBOOM… Kaboom… BOOM!.. boom.boom.BOOM! KABOOM! KABLOOEY! boom… BOOM!..BOOM!..BoomKABOOM!..boom… *Continues for 8 minutes Boom… boom… boom… BOOM! *Fire crackle
That looks really nice! What cables are you using on your CRT?
I am using component out of the PS2
That makes sense. Looks awesome!
Can’t remember what Need For Speed had a demo of Burnout Dominator(I think) bundled, but it made me but the full game.