Average day in (neo)vim
You can use :wq only once
So choose wisely. All other editor instances must remain open forever.
I use quake style terminals, and often start writing a file and completely forget about it and turn off the computer, and only remember what i left behind when i find the random recovery files around, so :w a lot is quite useful for me.
Quake? The FPS? I’m confused, though I knew a little about Linux
Yes, on classic fps you could spaw a console that will drop down from the top os the screen, some terminal emulators allow you to do that.
I like it because then i have the terminal always open that i just draw from the top of the screen with a keypress
On KDE i do that with Yakuake, and on gnome with tilix
You can also use Guake on GNOME or basically on any desktop. I’ve also use it on Cinnamon and it’s really nice.
My biggest (mostly) irrational internet pet peeve is the proliferation of people suggesting “:wq” when “:x” is strictly better.
*per open file
:w before ZZ just to make sure
Make all changes
Force that bitch!
Is there any reason to use :w other than it being the default? I have mine mapped to CTRL-S and it makes sure to keep me in insert mode if I was in insert mode. Feels way faster and easier to spam than the 4 key presses it takes to execute “:w”.
I’m just used to it and I’m keeping ny time in instert mode at minimum.
Requires me to use my pibky for ctrl. I have esc remaped to caps so its faster for ke to just do :w
This will allow you to ctrl+s to save. I tried to add this in a backtick code line/block but it removes part of the syntax.Sorry but I’m already used to :w stoo much and a lot faster with it than ctrl+s
not mapping semicolon to colon
Some of us have PTSD from losing work back in the day. Now it’s just habit.
It’d be great if there were side kind of feedback, like the cursor quickly flashing a “C” or something… anything to let you know the operation occurred; better yet, was successful.
I actually disagree from a systems engineer perspective: The program doesn’t actually know shit if those bits hit any permanent medium, just that the OS told them “I’ll take care of it” it could be sitting in a write back cache when you save, see the “write complete” and rip the power and that’s all gone now. Basically, I don’t like promising durability when it’s not really there.
Check for an asterisk after the file name (in the tab/title bar), it means “unsaved changes”.
<esc> <esc> <esc> <esc> <esc> <esc> :wa! <cr>
The old school programmer right here! All we’re missing is someone typing git commit -am “updates and stuff”
Basically a Jackie Chan fight scene, complete with somebody rolling a carriage at him and him kicking it back to pin them against the wall
When you do this using Word online it be like “chill dude we autosave here, we got you” and I’m like “brother I do not trust you”.
You are wise beyond your years.
We can optimize this further:
unsatisfied = true while(unsatisfied) { key.dispatch( Keyboard::Ctrl, Keyboard::s ) }
…No, there is no instance where
changes stateYou should just be able to
It’s a joke.
That sounds like an excuse.
Don’t worry, most modern brains have a builtin jit compiler, so when a habit starts to form, the check will be optimised out. (It saves excess neurons from being generated.)
It’s because the first time doesn’t always work. I swear, sometimes it doesn’t!
Ctrl + C literally doesn’t work at times, it drives me crazy. It might be due to some shitty applications and websites overriding it or adding complexity (Like copying not only the text but additional information).
I’m often 100% sure I copied the text, change the window and an old clipboard entry gets pasted.
God I hate this so much. It’s especially frustrating on mobile where it takes like thirty seconds to try to get the right part of the text copied and use the fucking magnified blue dots… Ugh.
Mobile is an entirely different beast. Like sometimes my keyboard doesn’t show up. Or the text select refuses to work. And so on. It’s a mess. Even on a Galaxy S22.
No clue how people can exist without a proper computer at home and still do stuff online.
CTRL + Shift + S is the real GOAT
It saves all files that are changed rather than just the current one you have open.
TIL thanks!
fuck i needed this
Esc Esc Esc :w!
Most accurate
Caps caps caps :w! Is the way
C-x C-s wtf!
I just can’t stand Kate showing me a little orange bar meaning I have not saved the changes yet. The bar must be green! I am a slave to the green bar. The white dot in vscode (I use an open source build) is a bit more tolerable, but whenever I notice it I HAVE to save the file.
Ah! Another fellow coder of culture!
It’s such a good text editor.
Love me some Kate.
I really should turn on auto save when vscode loses focus.
I’ve never had to think about that with Intellij IDEA. It just works!
I still click Ctrl S occasionally when using pycharm. It’s the law.
Ctrl+s means “stop the presses” to VT100 terminal emulators and you have to press ctrl+q to resume. Key combinations from a different era.
lol, me when I transfer shit to my USB thumb drive.
Dude I save almost every time I type anything. It’s muscle memory at this point.
This is me in eclipse.
Because I used to do the single save and it failed
Oh, eclipse. I’m still happy I don’t have to save in intellij .
I tried intellij years ago and never left it.