Was reminded how Epstien not killing himself was/is so accepted yet it’s still a conspiracy theory. Is there any similar ones you guys believe to be completely true ?
Industries are making bad products on purpose to weed out consumers with standards, therefore breeding a crop of consumers that exist only to give their money to them if they ask.
That is exactly why Shein and Temu exist as far as I can tell.
I have no clue what temu even is, like what is it and how is it different than other sites?
It’s not different than other sites. It’s exactly the same as Wish or Ali Express. Extremely cheaply made goods that will probably give you lead poisoning with enough use.
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Yeah, it’s stuff that shitty shops like Woolworths used to sell for £9.99 but it’s £1 with postage included now and straight from the source.
You can get some total rubbish and you can get some generically shit stuff that’s as good as anything else in the shops, there’s great stuff too compared to other options but it’s hard to find.
Quality is generally better for things designed for the Chinese market, they just sell overstock cheap where as the made for export is made to be cheap.
Really quality isn’t a huge issue in manufacturing for a lot of things because everything is well within basic tolerances of the machines, is it’s just a few bits of plastic and a PCB then they’re going to come out the same from anywhere
From what I can see it’s the new Wish
It’s basically the same as AliExpress or Wish but with the junk being warehoused in the US instead of China. So you can get your junk in like a week instead of a couple months.
I’m seeing ads for this constantly on YouTube. Might finally go to vanced.
That’s just unregulated capitalism.
This is like the physical product version of the Nigerian prince scam - have something so shit that the only people who engage with you are idiots.
Can you clarify a bit?
Do you mean that they are trying to identify, corral, and market heavily to these low-standards consumers so as not to waste their time with the rest (analogous to email scams)?
Or more that they are progressively beating down our collective level of standard so as to make the cheap crap more broadly palatable?
I don’t necessarily disagree with either, but they are pretty different, so just curious which direction you are going.
Not OP, so I can not be certain what exactly they thought, but I alsi think that while idea of capitalism is that competition will bring best product to the top, it is pretty damn hard to make great and successful product.
My understanding, and belief, is that they internationaly push only mediocre if not completely bad products, so that consumer expectations are being kept low.
They don’t want to hear ‘they don’t build them like they used to’ any more. It is not good for business.
This js so obvious with movies and tv shows. From management’s perspective success is totaly random and non understadable, so keep expectations low.
We still talk about Firefly, about Braking Bad, Sopranos, even Star Trek Thr Next Generations for a reason, but it is hard to make something equally good again so they all make mediocre shows.
Is it a conspiracy theory if it’s damn near verifiably true?
MLK was killed by the US Government/with Government warning and approval not because of his policies on race, but because his message was getting (though somewhat always had been) socialist/anti-capitalist, and between the historic fear of slave revolts, the new fear of communist revolutions, and the monied business interests not wanting to cede any power they ended MLK to prevent potential calls for a social revolution.
It’s insane how many left leaning leaders were assassinated. And it isn’t a coincidence that it was during the red scare. What we KNOW about McCarthyism is crazy enough, now think of all the stuff they wouldn’t say out loud to fight the “red menace.”
J Edgar Hoover wanted to round up all the “leftists” and put them in camps.
I put quotes around leftist because simply not hating black people was enough to get you on that list.
People are so unaware how common politically motivated murder was in the late 19th/early 20th century in the US. Our country is rittled with shallow graves belonging to labor and civil rights activists. Wikipedia for example has a list documenting anti-labor murders totaling just over 1100 that we know of. Much of that violence was especially targeted towards black labor organizers.
In both the BLM movement and OWS, leaders and organizers were still meeting untimely deaths and I don’t think the clandestine agencies of government have changed enough, (or at all), to rule them out.
Fun new things keep coming out.
Also tupac and biggie got removed becuase they spoke about things elites didnt like to be replaced by the prosperity rap clowns to worship them and their money to the plebs.
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That ones not really a conspiracy. We know the FBI did it.
People just don’t care, which is the most fucked up part
That doesn’t make it not a conspiracy, it makes it not a conspiracy theory. Instead, it is a factual conspiracy that is just not well known.
People care, but what are you going to do? Until the majority is ready to violently overthrow corrupt institutions you’re stuck with it. Now getting the majority to agree on which ones are corrupt… hoo boy. Good luck, America.
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Do you really think making a martyr out of MLK is a strategy the US gov wouldn’t have anticipated had they murdered him/let him be murdered?
Dude would not be what he is today had he not been murdered.
But as a martyr the government can paint him as being only about racism, not about economics.
Also he was assassinated 4 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, so to say he wouldnt remembered without being killed is a gross exaggeration. It may have boosted his legacy, but there is not doubt he would still be an important figure in American history.
Have you ever listened to MLK speak or read anything he’s written? Dude would absolutely be what he is today if he had not been murdered.
Have you ever listened to MLK speak or read anything he’s written?
No I was raised in Antarctica.
Dude would absolutely be what he is today if he had not been murdered.
Not a chance. There is no shortage of motivational speakers in this world.
Just the boring one: That all the exciting conspiracies (and other stuff like “culture wars”) are there to distract from the banal reality of most people and the world being exploited by a few selfish assholes.
You don’t need a shadowy conspiracy when you make it legal to bribe politicians and write the laws for them. It’s all done out in the open. Regulators and board rooms have revolving doors for the same few people, and they all make insanely disgusting amounts of money while the rest of us suffer.
I’m not saying a few people fucking over the rest is a conspiracy theory.
I’m saying that all those conspiracy theories people love to discuss are pushed to capture the attention of those people and have them think they’re involved in something important and spend all their energy on that, so the assholes can keep on fucking them over without much resistance.
It’s interesting that the big “revelations” of conspiracy are things we jokingly referenced and always kind of knew:
Movie executives forcing women to sleep with them or be sexually assaulted to be able to work in the industry.
The catholic church sexually abusing children and covering it up.
Buying votes and Supreme Court judgements.
So what are we joking about now but not doing anything about? Russia owning an entire political party through blackmail? The Left is indoctrinating and grooming kids into thinking that their assigned-at-birth gender might not be their real gender and that non-heterosexual and nonmonogamous relationships are as legitimate as those Ordained By God and that pregnancy planning, prevention, and terminating is a women’s health care issue between them and their doctor and nobody else (I mean… yeah. I guess that conspiracy is openly true and not really a conspiracy but an openly stated goal, and not that we should be trying to prevent or stop it).
I believe that Russia has dirt on a number of prominent Republicans. Trump is a given, what with his shady Russian financing, his connection to Epstein, the tape mentioned in the Steele dossier. But I think that there were a number of anti-Trumpers who turned on a dime. Lindsey Graham, for example, was very anti Trump for months and then became his biggest cheerleader literally overnight.
I think Russia had planned to damage Hillary in 2016, but never imagined that their man Trump would actually beat her. I think when they realized they had their man in the white house, they went all in, and used every bit of leverage they had to help him gain control of the party.
This really isn’t a conspiracy, it’s pretty much just fact. The Mueller report was damning in showing the trump Russia connection. If we had sane bribery laws and a doj willing to prosecute it’d be a slam dunk. (Our bribery laws practically require an elected official while exercising their elected power to say “I’m doing this because of a sweet bribe”. Nothing less qualifies). Literally half of it was dedicated to Trump Russian connections.
The Senate intelligence report on Russian election interference confirmed the Mueller report, that the Russians were working to get trump into office.
For Trump it’s not so much dirt but he got a lot funding after he was a disgraced business man in the 90s that hasn’t been sourced. I always thought he got it from Russia leading towards his allegiance to them.
Russia hacked RNC and DNC servers and released only the interesting stuff from the Democrats’ servers. Never heard a peep of what they found on the RNC side but you can be certain it was way more shady than the little bit that came out about Democrats.
I think it’s that information plus probably longstanding financial ties to Russian donors that keeps many Republicans under Russian influence.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is ultimately responsible for 1999 bombings, if you count is as a conspiracy theory that is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings
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Kremlinology tripped me up way more than it should have.
wth though. Call we contemporary American Political Analysis WhiteHouseology? WashingtonDCology?
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Just like we have audio evidence that Russia shot down that plane back in 2014
and it happened again, and again, and again. russians get broke/angry -> manufacture crisis -> blame the outsider -> invade them -> putin remains a master strategist
We’re really hot right now because the earth is trying to kill us. It got a taste of peace during COVID and wants more.
I agree with the first point. Using our human bodies as an example when we get infected. It gets really warm. It’s usually a technique used to kill bacteria among other defenses.
I don’t personally believe it’s some kind of “I got my peace for a brief moment and want more” thing. I just believe that we ramped up production after the COVID “recovery” period and we went back to business as usual at a rapid rate.
Absolutely true, although imo not necessarily as a conscious choice. It’s simply earth’s feedback systems. We cram all kinds of animals together and accidentally breed highly contagious viruses, which come back to bite us in the ass. We destroy biodiversity and now people in certain parts of the world have to manually pollinate crops, because the insects all died. Etc.
If all goes well, earth will find a balance again that still favours life (possibly not human life). If not, earth might end up like Venus. Not a big deal for earth, but a bit of shame of all this life we currently see here.
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Brief search - we’re fucking with homeostasis?
I get where you’re coming from, but rather than the “earth trying to kill us”, we are causing the earth to kill us through our own selfishness, willful ignorance and greed.
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Haliburton and Raytheon. Cheney and Rumsfield.
Man I wish we still tarred and featherd people. If anyone ever deserved it it’s those two. Bush was just a useful idiot chosen because he was “a guy you could drink a beer with at a bar.”
Iraq having WMD was an intentional lie and you’ll pretty much never convince me otherwise (unless there’s irrefutable evidence of course lol)
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Elaborate on the history simulation please. I’ve never heard of that one
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Holy shit. That’s interesting and grim
So I wanted more information on the history simulation too, this is the closest I could find within the limits of my attention span:
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Did we buy much oil from Iraq?
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I don’t even think it matters whether or not Epstein killed himself. Because even if he did, there was too much incentive for those in power to build in the conditions to make it easy enough to happen. IRCC, he was on suicide watch. There had to be intentional negligence to allow the suicide to occur and it seems unlikely that no one attempted to tip the scale in favor of allowing it to happen.
I agree! I keep saying the same thing. I think he was allowed to kill himself. They put him on suicide watch as a suggestion to him. That way their hands are washed of him by his own hand.
Even if you ignore the rich and powerful, it still makes sense.
If you were the security officer at a facility that was holding a man who trafficked and molested dozens if not hundreds of children, you would probably strongly consider “accidentally” leaving his gate unlocked or taking away any suicide prevention measures.
Agreed! The broken bone in his neck is fairly common for hanging, especially when the person is older. I believe the real conspiracy is that they let him do it not that they did it to him.
All that Q shit is real. There’s a pizza shop basement somewhere in the DC area where republicans are raping kids & doing all that other weird shit.
Except the pizza shop is a church.
Every accusation a projection, but fuck that’s dark and specific.
Why would they go there when they can get delivery?
It’s not delivery it’s d’neighborskid.
I’ll leave now.
damn bruh
At first I thought you meant you are a Q supporter than I realized you’re saying every accusation is an addition of guilt.
Its like those staunch anti LGBTQ+ Republicans who get caught with a “wide stance” at the local M4M glory hole
Wasn’t the story that the Democrats were doing it, or are you saying those that do, accuse others?
I think it’s more a case that every other thing they’ve accused the Democrats of, at some point in history ends up being true for Republicans of one sort or another. This is the only accusation that so far hasn’t appeared to be a projection, I think the poster suspects that it is, we just haven’t found it yet.
John McAfee is still alive
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I’d like to believe that only his malware legacy remains alive.
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It actually was a weather balloon
The Chinese spy balloon from several weeks ago. I believe this one. Why would China send such a big, obvious thing to “spy”? They’ve got better ways.
I think TalkingCat is referring to the Chinese balloons that were recently spotted floating over the USA and into Canada, I believe. The Chinese government said they were merely weather balloons.
That our entire existence and the world we live in -our so called reality- is being manipulated in every corner. Whether its historical, economical, entertainment wise, food, you name it.
That honestly sounds like clinical paranoid delusions. I have a couple of bipolar friends who think this way.
my brother too. absolutely everything is part of an “agenda”.
including the fact the stars are fake and we live in a concave planet. for reasons he can’t articulate
That’s very broad. Do you mean by some force outside our universe, or actors inside, possibly on earth?
If you mean this is being done by people I don’t think human people are nearly smart enough to do this without fucking up constantly and blowing their cover.
I believe the NRA is involved in money laundering for the Russian mob and Trump ran for office to do the same thing, launder money through donations and by paying for advertising for donations with dirty money and getting clean clean donations back.
QAnon was made up by Trumps entourage to deflect the accusations against him.
Nah the Trump fanbois would gladly do that work for free. They’re pretty communist like that
Yes, this is it. Most likely it was the South African guy who first said that someone had hijacked Q’s account that started it. He couldn’t admit he was behind the account or he’d expose and embarrass himself when CodeMonkey (Ron Watkins) took it from him. Then the Watkinses were behind it from then on.
The QAnon docu-series on HBO did an excellent job of showing that this is likely what happened. I’m super interested in that loony movement (as a spectator and worrier) and yet it still presented all kinds of details and info that I hadn’t known. Also, Will Sommer, author of * Trust the Plan: The Rise of QAnon and the Conspiracy That Unhinged America* and the hosts of the QAnon Anonymous podcast (also spectator and worriers) think this is the most likely answer and they collectively know more than almost anyone about the subject.
In the end, it was sort of an accident that it got so big and they just lucked into it.
I believe the military is covering up something about UAPs. I doubt it’s aliens but they know or should know more than they admit.
It’s always just US spy craft, foreign spy craft, foreign craft of unknown purpose, weather balloons, weird atmospheric shit. Also: instrumentation fucking up/data corrupting. When you combine the instrumentation with any of the former, it doubles it.
I think it’s bogus and they’re using it to distract from something else, just like they used the culture war
100% it’s bogus. They aren’t using it as a distraction for any specific thing. They are using it because qanon and Jan 6th scared the shit out of the government and this is a way to keep conspiracy theorists busy.
some of the OG UFOs were in fact prototype B2, alien technology is just catchier story than (boring for most people) new warplanes
It’s the intersecting lasers making plasma thing they were working on, all the same physical properties and it’s probably what they were testing at that exercise where the tictac was filmed.
My guess is it half works but it impractical so they’re doing this poor cover up attempt to make China think it does work so they’ll invest r&d into it and waste resources, they used to do that to Russia all the time