Reddit - Shoots itself in the foot while decapitating the other because reasons
Twitter - Shoots itself in the foot and decapitates itself
Facebook/Instagram/Threads - Huge identity Crisis
Telegram - Sells itself out
What a world.
- Google - Shoots itself in the foot by planning to introduce Web Intregrity to Chrome, because they’re now evil.
What did telegram do?
Decided it needed a subscription service.
Barely use it so I have not noticed that. Thanks man.
To do what?
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Sorry no I mean what does subscription get you that free does not?🤔
Mostly cosmetic stuff positioned in annoying places to bug you to subscribe, but some features like larger upload limit, faster downloads etc are paywalled.
Nothing that really stops the average user from using the client though. Still the best messaging app IMO, esp since the server storage is still unlimited. Newer features are still coming to free users. If they keep along this balance, the subscription push is fine for me.
Like you need it for important functions like Calling or something?
- Signal messenger: ditches SMS support, asks disgruntled users for donations.
https://archive.is/LQsdz Non-paywalled link.
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I don’t even understand what’s difficult about mastodon or lemmy. Just pick a server forget about it and enjoy the better communities
what’s difficult about mastodon
- picking a server
- not being spoonfed by the algorithm and having to actually think of who and what do you want to see/follow.
It’s like how my parents don’t understand streaming: “How do you know what to watch?”
“You just pick something, ma”
So, I don’t use Mastodon for the same reason I never used Twitter (I don’t need a microblog and I’d rather read other people’s regular-sized blogs), but point 2 sounds like a problem. How do you decide who to follow, when you’re working from a blank slate? I presume you need to see several of someone’s posts before you can know if you’d like to follow them, so if Mastodon doesn’t show you any posts by default how do you get started?
It does show you your local and federated timelines. You can also follow hashtags for topics you might be interested in.
If you’re only interested in topics then switching from another social network to fediverse isn’t so bad. But a lot of the twitter userbase is there because they want to follow people not topics. If you’re into journalism all the journalists are there. If you’re in the art world all the artists are there. Prior to musk it was easy to know that you were following who you thought you were. And the value is in that group of people all being there.
It’s like how it’s not a big deal for me that I quit reddit to come here, but I still have to maintain a Facebook and LinkedIn presence for my career. I can’t (yet, anyways) tell people I meet at conferences to look me up on fediverse and then have to explain what that is and how it works and make sure they follow the right account name from the right instance.
Right. Unless you’ve started your own instance or joined one that is somehow completely isolated, Local and Federated will let you find plenty of people to follow.
My instance is just a few users, so Local isn’t a very happening place, but I love the Federated timeline. It’s where I spend the majority of my time.
start searching the platform for things you’re interested in and follow people with interesting related posts. after a while you’ve got an actual personal feed
Not to advertise or anything, since I’ve still not grown accustomed to it, but I downloaded an app called mammoth the other day and it seems to have a for you page which makes it kinda easier to follow stuff. Also makes up for the mute filters I’ve set up not working on any app.
@noodlejetski @qooqie https://erinkissane.com/mastodon-is-easy-and-fun-except-when-it-isnt I read article and can say I understand many problems listed there. If you join Biggest instance then sure you won’t encounter some of the listed problems, but federation isn’t about joining biggest. Not intuitive UI also big factor, why greeting message don’t tell Use #Hello #Привет or other language for first message? People don’t understand/know about search being specific to # add to that bombardment with tips… Fediverse is bad for newcomer.
I think it’s an “analysis paralysis” problem. I spent 20 minutes trying to figure out what instance to join while worrying about what was “right” (of course an incorrect question), what “fit” my inclinations/preferences, will it be around in X time, who are the mods, don’t want to centralize on just one instance, until I just bit the bullet.
I’m reminded of how Job’s late-90’s mass simplification of the Apple product line made it easier for consumers to just pick something. (general or pro user? laptop or desktop? boom, done.)
Comes to mind that mastodon.social is open to everyone, it doesn’t get more obvious than that.
Seems like people are more stumped by the idea of having to pick than with what that actually entails. Even as far as following people goes, it’s as simple as an email address, and mastodon searches usernames in other instances.
I believe if more people avoided bringing up instances and just said "make an account on mastodon.social ", most of these complaints of how complicated it is would disappear.
Indeed. Sometimes these objections of “it’s too hard!” Make sense and are worth investigating improvements to the user experience, but in this case many of the complaints really seem more like excuses or a fundamental disagreement over the whole point of all this.
In the early nineties the term “droolproof” was, well, if not popular then at least existant. “Droolproof” instructions would be something like “do not expose your laser printer to open fire or flame”.
Mastodon needs droolproof instructions. A private company like Twitter creates a series of gates for users to jump through and rigs things on the back end to make it so that people are unable to screw up too much. It’s like a Fisher-Price chainsaw versus the actual chainsaw of Mastodon.
It’s easy to forget how many people are active on social media who have never read a manual or a FAQ or who even know how to google very well, or at all. It’s a huge proportion. Twitter serves them all by being, well, what it is. People give up their privacy and data patterns in exchange for a corporation making the experience droolproof.
There needs to be a youtube of some photogenic person happily showing how to use it. Srs. If we want to kill Elmos Fascist Tea Party we need that.
You know I often forget how even being a little tech literate puts you in probably the 90th percentile for tech users
What’s difficult?
So I’m on both and I work in tech. I’m technically capable, e.g. I verified my Mastodon account with my website. Neither Mastodon not Lemmy is anywhere near ready for non technical users.
Hell of a job picking an instance. Confusing to log in because I have to remember the instance not the service. Instance is all local stuff, global stuff is by default garbage.
I signed up to Mastodon a few months back. Most of the people I followed on Twitter didn’t. Not surprising really given how confusing and complicated it is. I chose a server because someone I followed recommended it. I found most people posting less and less frequently, apart from the instance admin, they seemed to post books worth every singled day and I had to mute them. Then it got really quiet and I saw something about the server admin stepping down. At which point I learned that due to some ridiculous drama involving something the admin of my mastodon instance apparently said that some other instance admin didn’t like, the whole instance/domain was ‘silenced’. In other words ‘the hell with you’ to me because of something I wasn’t even aware of, let alone involved with. Absolutely childish that something like that can even happen, and even better, it seems people often can’t figure out how to make it 'un-happen’.
None of this covers mobile app issues
At this point mastodon has failed as an alternative to Twitter for me. There’s about 3 non-twitter-repost-bot posters left in my feed, all either second rate or also posting the same on twitter.
A bit better than Mastodon but comparable issues with picking an instance. Dscoverability is slightly better because I can search for topics. I’ve had to create a login on a second instance because my first pick, and then my second pick, both:
- De-Federated a number of other instances
- Were de-federated but a number of other instances
- Have been suffering repeated uptime issues due to DDOS
So now I’m on my 3rd Lemmy login and I spent half an hour yesterday using someone’s python script to back up my subs and resubscribe with my next account…
None of this covers mobile app issues
It’s close, really close, and it could work but it’s tough on Lemmy and missing on Mastodon
What was your second Lemmy instance?
That’s who I’m on, damn, I need to go see who I’m actually connecting with. I haven’t been active for awhile.
Because it’s hard for non techie users to even understand what the word instance means. It’s not a concept you encounter in everyday life.
And then without a broad algorithm that curate your feed, most users get confused on how to manage their communities across the fediverse.
Because it’s hard for non techie users to even understand what the word instance means. It’s not a concept you encounter in everyday life.
I think you encounter the concept pretty often in your life: every time you go to Walmart (or every other chain shop) you basically are ecountering an instance of the company, for example
People are just not thinking about it
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Mostly “Mastodon is too hard” is an excuse people make because they just don’t like it and/or dislike the Fediverse in general and don’t want people to move there.
I ‘interrogated’ a bunch of people complaining about Mastodon and it was pretty obvious that a lot of them either didn’t like the idea of Twitter replacements and/or were Elon Musk fanboys.
Post.news is where all the twitter journalists went. The folks who are really into journalism seem to love it. Also at first there was plan for micro-transactions because this was going to be the social media that saved newspapers or something. I don’t know if that got implemented fully or not.
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That was the idea. Now it’s pretty much a ghost town, though. It never had a real breakthrough
The site has always been much smaller than Facebook, and it only mattered because politicians, journalists, and those who currently pass for public intellectuals were using it. Whether you read The New York Times or watched Fox News, you would encounter content that began its life on Twitter.
This article is a big long hot take. Which is fine, it’s kind of entertaining. But yeah if you care what the NYT and Fox News are printing on a daily basis you might feel a little untethered at the moment. Understanding that the two are linked is so close to understanding . . . something.
Still, lots of people care about the NYT and Fox News. And I mean LOTS of them
I hope this keeps up. Nothing would be better than corpo-owned social media dying out.
Very bad for some people like artists in the short term, specially if they haven’t made an account somewhere else yet, but a centralized platform’s eventual decline and death is inevitable to begin with, really. Twitter’s is just happening much faster than expected.
Mastodon really needs to step up its ease-of-use though. For one, the apps should auto-assign users to instances based on their selected interests (letting them change it of course). It also has lots of minor inconveniences like the reply and like counts only showing interactions from your own instance, unlike Lemmy. Both Lemmy and Mastodon also have major discoverability issues right now.
Firefish looks great though, and I hope Bluesky’s protocol makes itself compatible with ActivityPub, even if with a bridge between the two.
It’s a bad time for social media right now
I’d argue the opposite. People have been fed up with the mainstream platforms for a long time now. Now that we know how social media grew grassroots terrorism and that the platforms allowed it for ad clicks, I’d say it’s a good time to pivot away from the traditional models of the last 15-20 years, move away from the Facebooks and Twitters, and try something new.
Professionally, I lead a team of digital artists and oversee digital marketing efforts for a government client. The chaos and burning out of Twitter and Reddit has been a great time for my team as we’ve finally been given the latitude to do new work and build new strategies instead of just doing the same bullshit over and over. I’ve started enjoying work again and my team has been energized because everyday there’s something new to overcome. And because the social media ecosystem is so turbulent, it’s actually removing the pressure from us because our client understands that we are operating in new territory. Essentially, we are being allowed to fail in the pursuit of innovation.
I’m pumped to be a part of this evolving shift. There’s so much potential. Also, I’m selfishly enjoying watching these fucking assholes like Musk flail and burn through billions of dollars as a result of their hubris.
Out of curiosity, what new things had your team been trying?
Dumping Twitter, to start. We’ve been able to finally get our client to try some new things using IG reels and YT shorts. We’ve also been able to grab their ear about Reddit, Lemmy, and Mastodon. While they’re not fully onboard yet with federated platforms, they’re interested, which is a huge step. We’ve also been pitching more proactive content and getting more support on strategy shifts to have a more conversational back-and-forth with the client’s audience. They used to prefer to get people off open comments and into private DMs. We have been pushing them to be more transparent and human with their direct engagement.
And I’ve never felt better.
Twitter is dead much before elon turd bought it.
Yet Trump wouldn’t have been as destructive without it. Covid wouldn’t have been as destructive without it. It was dead to anyone who knew what it was yet here we are, hoping the millions stuck in Apartheid Clyde’s Magic Funhouse can escape.
Got paywalled on this article.
Try https://12ft.io/ It removes paywalls for free and haven’t failed me so far!
My bad! The article on my RSS reader was not paywalled
Nice thanks!