i raise your 3.14 to an 6.28
(circumference of the unit circle)
I was very concerned that maybe us trans people had suddenly started with canabalism for a second.
I rarely feel nerdier than when understanding jokes about Euler’s number. Like, Pi jokes are for peasants compared to e jokes.
I still don’t understand what e has to do with trans…
short for estrogen.
E is short for estrogen.
Ah. Thanks.
We like our calculus easy.
You should limit your intake of Euler other fats.
I have no idea if this pun works with US pronounciation.
Oof i understood the math part of the joke but was apperently too straight for the trans part even though i spend a lot of time in queer spaces…
I went too far and thought “ecstacy” first
MFW eating 2.71828…
February 71st is the same day as April 12th most years. Just realized my HRT anniversary is basically e day.
Lmfao, took me a sec
yes iwsh…