Something very strange is happening inside Super Nintendo (SNES) consoles as they age: a component you’ve probably never heard of is running ever so slightly faster as we get further and further away from the time the consoles first hit the market in the early ‘90s. The discovery started a mild panic in the speedrunning community in late February since one theoretical consequence of a faster-running console is that it could impact how fast games are running and therefore how long they take to complete. This could potentially wreak havoc on decades of speedrunning leaderboards and make tracking the fastest times in the speedrunning scene much more difficult, but that outcome now seems very unlikely. However, the obscure discovery does highlight the fact that old consoles’ performance is not frozen at the time of their release date, and that they are made of sensitive components that can age and degrade, or even ‘upgrade’, over time. The idea that SNESs are running faster in a way that could impact speedrunning started with a Bluesky post from Alan Cecil, known online as dwangoAC and the administrator of TASBot (short for tool-assisted speedrun robot), a robot that’s programmed to play games faster and better than a human ever could.

[…] So what’s going on here? The SNES has an audio processing unit (APU) called the SPC700, a coprocessor made by Sony for Nintendo. Documentation given to game developers at the time the SNES was released says that the SPC700 should have a digital signal processing (DSP) rate of 32,000hz, which is set by a ceramic resonator that runs 24.576Mhz on that coprocessor. We’re getting pretty technical here as you can see, but basically the composition of this ceramic component and how it resonates when connected to an electronic circuit generates the frequency for the audio processing unit, or how much data it processes in a second. It’s well documented that these types of ceramic resonators are sensitive and can run at higher frequencies when subject to heat and other external conditions. For example, the chart [here], taken from an application manual for Murata ceramic resonators, shows changes in the resonators’ oscillation under different physical conditions.

As Cecil told me, as early as 2007 people making SNES emulators noticed that, despite documentation by Nintendo that the SPC700 should run at 32,000Hz, some SNESs ran faster. Emulators generally now emulate at the slightly higher frequency of 32,040Hz in order to emulate games more faithfully. Digging through forum posts in the SNES homebrew and emulation communities, Cecil started to put a pattern together: the SPC700 ran faster whenever it was measured further away from the SNES’s release. Data Cecil collected since his Bluesky post, which now includes more than 140 responses, also shows that the SPC700 is running faster. There is still a lot of variation, in theory depending on how much an SNES was used, but overall the trend is clear: SNESs are running faster as they age, and the fastest SPC700 ran at 32,182Hz. More research shared by another user in the TASBot Discord has even more detailed technical analysis which appears to support those findings.

    12 days ago

    TL;DR: The clock oscillator for the sound chip (separate from the main CPU clock, which does not have this issue) appears to be speeding up over time as it ages. Games from that era use video signal synchronization to regulate their overall speed, so this will not affect game times. It may cause audio glitches or crashes, but it won’t make games run faster. However, it has the potential to cause (and probably has caused) desynchronization issues with tool-assisted speedruns on original hardware.

    (I looked into this a bit for another post of this same article.)

    612 days ago

    Does this mean the game plays faster or just that audio plays faster? Does the frequency of the apu affect the frequency of the main cpu?

    • oni ᓚᘏᗢ
      712 days ago

      It says that load the audio faster. What I wanna know is the same as you .Does the CPU handle that “new speed” with no hassle at all?

        712 days ago

        Custom electronic systems like retro consoles operate in a cycle that can be influenced by only one part of that cycle moving faster than the others. Think of it like a relay race. If one runner in the middle of the race can run faster than normal, the combined time of the entire team running goes down.

        This is a gross oversimplification, but it illustrates the point well enough. The audio being processed faster can and will influence how fast each cycle runs. That will then mean extra FPS in at least some cases.

        Another thing to consider about original hardware is that no two units are exactly the same, even when they were brand new. The differences between them will only grow as the hardware ages (and the differences in their operating environments also matter).

          12 days ago

          The audio being processed faster can and will influence how fast each cycle runs. That will then mean extra FPS in at least some cases.

          It won’t. The main game loop is driven by waiting for VBLANK, which is in simplified terms the analog equivalent to vsync.

          The speed of the main CPU in the SNES also isn’t affected by the speed of the audio coprocessor. They operate independently from each other, with the CPU providing commands to control the program running on the SPC700.

          What it might do, however, is affect gameplay. The SPC700 clock variance is one of the major reasons why Super Metroid tool assisted speedruns had so much trouble being verified on real consoles. IIRC, Super Metroid waits for some sound effect to finish before performing certain actions, and that can cause the game state to differ from the state expected by the prerecorded inputs for that moment in time.

  • AItoothbrush
    211 days ago

    How does this speed up the snes? Doesnt: 1. The cpu have its own clock 2. The actual timing depend on how the frames on a tv are refreshed?. I thought the snes was old enough that it had to calculate stuff when the cathode ray thingy was out of frame and then when it was in frame it drew? So what really matters is how many hz the tvs are which is why there are different consoles for ntsc and pal right? Or am i getting this all incorrectly? From my understanding this shouldnt speed it up, just ruin the whole pipeline if the timing is off by too much right?

    111 days ago

    Completely unrelated, but…

    What the hell are those controller buttons?

    One looks melted, the other 3 have weird shading like they’re partly hollow. Super Famicom and EU SNES (the ones with colours) are smooth and round.

      310 days ago

      If I remember correctly, the US version of the SNES has buttons designed to be differentiated by both sight (the four primary colors) and by touch. A and B are convex shaped while X and Y are concave. I think that’s what you’re seeing here.

        19 days ago

        No, that’s why I said Super Famicom and PAL SNES were coloured. American SNES doesn’t like fun, so its buttons are all purple.

          111 days ago

          Photo credited to Derek Story, a real photographer who doesn’t have any (at least obviously) AI generated images AFAICT. I suppose someone could ask him.

  • tisktisk
    112 days ago

    Idiot question: if old snes chips get slightly faster with age, why can’t we accomplish similar feats with current lith batteries or other computer parts?

    • Admiral PatrickOP
      1312 days ago

      Simple answer: It has to do with the specific way and part that’s degrading in the SNES’s. In this case, it’s due to the way a resonator degrades which is what sets the clock speed for that chip.

      • tisktisk
        112 days ago

        Right but it’s doing it by design. Why is this not a viable design choice in modern tech? Why do modern pc parts degrade with lesser performance? Is it for safety?

          912 days ago

          At the time, clock speeds were chosen and the chips designed to work that fast. They also gave an overhead for variances in manufacturing.

          Modern chips mostly make use of this already. There was a time when over clocking was quite common in the geek community. It’s mostly disappeared now. The CPUs we have now don’t benefit as much from a boost, and are more likely to go past their limits and burn out.

          It’s also worth noting it was a change from 32000hz to 32040 Hz. An increase of around 0.125% (or 1.00125x faster). It’s fucking tiny, it only really matters when times are extremely close. E.g. 60 minutes pass in 59 minutes, 55 seconds, a saving of 5 seconds maximum.

          • tisktisk
            212 days ago

            So basically it is for safety/longevity and to prevent future damage by not tending toward burnout. Many thanks for the explan

      11 days ago

      More clarification: this is more about clock speed. Having a fixed clock frequency is important for making sure that everything functions correctly. Transistors take a certain amount of time to turn on and off, which for the most part is a fixed time duration. This can change with temperature, voltage, and design.

      Trying to run the clock too fast may mean that parts of the device havent fully turned on or off, or signals havent fully propagated through for parts that chain transistors together.

      Some devices will have better transistor or worse transistors due to variations between batches and there can be some variation within a single part.

      The clock is therefore set to be in a range that gives the highest performance possible while also ensuring stability (some overhead to allow temp, power, noise and variation to not cause instability).

      The clocks in this case are running 0.57% faster which is negligible, and likely well within the margin of error, though this upward drift is a natural consequence of the aging of the components (specifically the quartz resonator that sets the frequency).

      Modern processors do the same thing as these processors, though they also allow variable clock speeds. This allows turning down the clock speed most of the time to save power when not much is going on. This also means there is also some minor overhead available on many cpus.

      This is where “overclocking” comes from. Turning up the clock speed until the device becomes unstable, adjusting the voltages, temperatures, power, noise, etc. to get more performance out of the same part.

      Adjusting just the clock doesnt account for the fixed timing of the transistors (thus changing voltages, temps), and theres less overhead on modern processors, so its more of a mixed bag of results. Additionally, the CPU itself can degrade over time, and this shrinks the overhead. For the either old or modern cpus, it may have had 10% of headroom, which would shrink over time due to cpu degredation to lets say 5%, so a 0.6% increase due to resonator degredation is negligible.

      Overclocking is also possible on older consoles, though with differing levels of success. These older consoles were designed with a fixed frequency, and as a result many games are not designed to account for differing framerates. This means running the game faster doesnt just mean a higher fps/smoother gameplay, but you may literally move twice as fast if the game runs twice as fast.