First of all, fuck you. Second, dark castle. Third ow owie my back
roses, obviously
my neck hurts so bad today that I can’t tell if my back hurts.
I was a dark tower boi but now I think I’m a rose man. Weird conversation, thanks.
Welcome to adulthood. I’m running to Home Depot in like 5, do you need anything?
An ADA grab bar for my toilet maybe
You okay with a suction one, or should I grab a real one and a guy to to install it? This is norcal and I’m “woke” so a home depot guy is like $30/hr.
I flipped between dark tower and cheater mccheater face on the bottom right.
Did. Those. Bats. Just. Move?!
Anyone who picked either dark tower or roses as a favorite had a thing for Lydia in Beetlejuice.
Anyway, I pick dark tower or roses
I mean, statistically it makes sense that a decent number of people will find this accurate. That doesn’t make it feel any less uncanny.
Ouch, now my back hurts and I feel called out.
The rare murder suicide
I feel seen.
I’m not gonna argue, though. Well played.
I wanted to be her, actually.
How do you…
Well shit…
Beach for me.
Trick to soreness is workout regularly. Then you can act like it’s cause the gains instead of getting old.
laughs in early-onset arthritis
workout regularly. Then you can act like it’s cause the gains instead of getting old.
I know it’s “because” and not a misspelling of “causing,” but I’m delighted by the idea of someone working out and getting ripped, who secretly thinks it’s the act of aging that’s making him strong, and that working out is just a placebo
and not a misspelling of “causing,”
You skipped right over the “workout” noun used as the verb combo “work out”. It’s jarring.
Team robot with no back pain.
Beep boop!
I can at least join you on team robot.
It hurts.
I wonder what this says about our personalities
That robot yoga combo
Team dark castle
Yo where my dark tower homies at?
See the Bear of fearsome size! All the worlds within his eyes
I always picked the dark fortress thing… boy it’s been a hot minute
May you have long days and pleasant nights.
Need some astin for that back pain.
Bottom right, the hand. Liked that sometimes a card would come out of the sleeve for a second.
That is specifically why I would pick that one! Did any of the others have Easter eggs like that?
They did. I think spooky castle either window light flickered or bats moved? It’s definitely been a long time but I do remember watching them.
Yeah all of them had something, but some were pretty boring animations.
Beach scene, the sun would smile with sunglasses iirc!
This right here! Also, no back pain, take care of yourselves my friends.
Red Robot gang.
i like the one holding cards because of the little random card animation sliding in and out of the sleeve
Thank you for this memory.
the bats near the dark tower flapped when you won, i think?
As a child? Mr robot! As an angsty teen? Dracula castle in a cliff.
Adult? Gimme dem fish
I did not expect to get attacked like this.
Palm tree beach, baby! ow…that yelling hurt my neck 😣
Seashells for life. Also my back is fine. It’s my fucking ribs that hurt every morning for some reason. And my back, fuck you
I have to ask. Why is this. 34 and a couple weeks now I’ve woken up with my lower back hurting.
Generally sitting too much/ bad posture/not enough exercise.
Is there a way to undo/reverse it?
38 here. Back pain started last year. Exercise is the way to go. I do weights about once a week now and the pain is gone and I am in better shape in general.
Get younger.
Thanks, I’ll get right on that.
On an unrelated note, got any virgin blood?
Just look for DnD meetups on facebook.
As someone who just had a one shot with three couples and one guy who murderhoboed until he had to leave to take care of his pregnant wife, I find this stereotype funny as hell.
The good news is you can order adrenchrome online
Play the Uno reverse card.
I (somewhat cynically) recommend yoga. I hate that it works, but over the past 6 years I’ve gone from inflexible achy gym rat to the strongest/most flexible I’ve ever been. And old injuries seem to be fading, but that might be unrelated. Either way, can’t deny that it did something really good
Mine was so bad I had to get my wife to put my socks and shoes on for me for a few weeks. I was only 30 at the time…
A friend got me
and taking its advice was the best thing for me.
Chiro didn’t do shit for me but physical therapy (this book) did. Now I work out regularly to include straight leg deadlifts and my back feels great. Still working on flexibility but that has also improved.
See a physical therapist. They’ll train you on how to perform strengthening exercises properly to take pressure off your spine. It can be expensive depending on your insurance (if that’s a concern), but if you are consistent with the exercises it can definitely make a huge difference.
Windows 3.11 trauma just kicked in
Wait this was 3.11? I thought these were in 95?
95 definitely had those
3.11 did too
3.1 even.
Oh I see! I barely remember 3.11. Propably the same exact executable for solitaire then.
They started in 3.11 and were nostalgia legacy for a couple more iterations of Windows