So, I have a mass in like 6 months. Is family bs that I can’t avoid.

I will need a formalish outfit but I’m not exactly fond of wearing a suit, even a fem one.

Any ideas? I’m not exactly skinny :c

  • DaGeek247
    182 months ago

    Queer most certainly doesn’t have to mean naked or lewd, and i’m actually a little insulted that that’s the first thing that comes to y’alls minds when replying here.

    The best queer outfits are flamboyant. Think Liberace, not magic Mike. Damn. Actually, Liberace is a good starting point for what i’m talking about. Stealing one his looks will get you exactly where you want to be, especially since you have the time to go through a couple different thrift stores.

      52 months ago

      and i’m actually a little insulted that that’s the first thing that comes to y’alls minds when replying here.

      Is it, though? There’s one comment like that and it’s blatantly obviously not serious.

      • DaGeek247
        22 months ago

        blatantly obviously not serious.

        Nothing on the internet is blatantly obviously not serious anymore. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          42 months ago

          I don’t want to really respond to this, so please imagine being hit with an annoyed german stare.

          Also, even if, a single comment is still far away from ”y’all“.

    • sleepybisexualOP
      22 months ago

      Well, I was considering something lewd adj but general queer vibes seems like an easier target

      Any ideas for fem stuff?

    82 months ago

    Frankly just wearing whatever you like, but executing it really well. Let’s be real. The average church goer is a frump.

    Execute any look with a bit of care and flair, occupy space proudly! Be a most excellent queer! Wear a track-suit for all it matters, just wear a well made well fitting one. Get a haircut/hairdo you like. Smell nice, not too strongly.

    I think it’s very important to be queer in public these days!

  • Lime Buzz (fae/she)
    72 months ago

    See what you can find at thrift stores/charity shops etc.

    We have found some amazingly queer stuff there.

  • 🐝bownage [they/he]
    72 months ago

    Accessorise! Think necklaces, bracelets, rings, choker, the likes, maybe even gloves or a purse or something. Easy way to make normal things look more queer and fashion :)

  • You’re going for femme? Not sure how nice the church you’re going to is, and what the norms are, but here are some ideas.

    You could go with a button down shirt and fitted leather pants. (A leather pencil skirt with some tights would look great too!)

    You could play with textures and the like. Silk, eyelets, frills, damask… You can get some interesting looks with layering.

    You could do a blazer, jeans, and a nicer T-shirt. Make sure these are all decent quality. I would only go with this if the church is ok with more casual wear.

    You could wear a jacket with patches or pins. Again, I would only do this if you’re comfortable going in something more casual.

    Don’t forget what you can do with your hair and accessories. Will you carry a purse? What jewelry? How about the shoes? (Combat boots with a more femme outfit would be adorable and can read pretty queer.) Will you want to wear makeup, and what kind of look will you go with if so?

    One thing I really feel like makes people look more put together is making sure that the colors harmonize with each other and your own coloring. So if you’re warmer toned, stick with warm tones.

    I don’t know anything about your style. If you’re stuck, I would start with an outfit you like (or an outfit you wish you could wear but never had the occasion to). Take a look at it and edit from there. You might want to balance femme with a touch of masc. You might want to find a nicer version of one of the items. You might want to find a more flamboyant version of one of the items.

    Last but not least, make sure you feel like you. The best queer fashion comes from people that are confident in what they’re wearing!

    • sleepybisexualOP
      32 months ago

      Ya :3

      Don’t have access to leather stuff. I’m going to base it on a skirt and top. Going for femme and annoying

      • Ooh femme and annoying! Love it. I would go over the top with loud colors, patterns and embellishments, with accessories that feature anti-conservative views.

        You can look at some alternative fashion styles for inspiration.

  • What’s your budget? If money is no object, Robert Graham makes some incredibly loud patterned blazers that scream “I am bisexual and elegant” in my eyes.

    • sleepybisexualOP
      12 months ago

      Very Catholic yes.

      Funny idea but not a look I’d want.

      If I still had my cuts cultist uniform is use that

    12 months ago

    Wear the most formal clothes you own (at least nice jeans and a tucked-in tight-fitting shirt).
    Leave the lower shirt buttons unbuttoned to expose the heart you painted around your belly botton in pink color.
    Leave the pants fly open and have a 10 inch dildo stick out of it.