Patrick Thomas Egan, 39, was arrested in Colorado for allegedly attacking TV reporter Ja’Ronn Alex, demanding to know if Alex was a U.S. citizen and declaring, “This is Trump’s America now.”
Police say Egan followed Alex’s vehicle for 40 miles, confronted him at his news station, and tackled him, putting him in a headlock that left Alex struggling to breathe.
The attack is being investigated as a possible bias-motivated crime.
Egan faces charges of assault and harassment, with prosecutors yet to file formal charges.
The attack is being investigated as a possible bias-motivated crime.
The levels of avoiding saying “hate-crime”
You have to do some tap dancing these days to avoid saying Trump = hate.
Well in the USA white supremacists can’t commit hate crimes since hate is their religion and their church is the state
But only when republicans are in power. When democrats are the state is the enemy.
Boy am I glad the economy is doing well now and the government is working for us. Thanks Aotus!
Assholes Of The United States?
Yes, it is my new favorite.
I’m trying not to be an asshole from the us, but I think you need to be more specific. We come in lots of flavors.
Sorry, it is singular like POTUS. It is a play on it.
After ABC News just ponied up $15M to settle that Trump lawsuit, it’s no surprise.
Sure, but it’s fucking pathetic
It’s only terrorism if you threaten wealthy/powerful people.
They used to be called “hate crimes”. Why are we soft peddling violent racism like this
Because this is Trump’s America now :(
But I thought we told things like they are now, and euphemisms were woke?
I think that’s a bit like thinking Ronald McDonald owns McDonald’s.
Like nah, man, that’s just the clown they put on the adverts.
The racism was there before Trump. He just gave the klan permission to ditch the sheets
It’s terrorism, actually, since it is politically motivated.
Terrorism and hate crimes are nowhere near mutually exclusive, though. This is a case of both.
right? but then again, this is fuckin ABC news. Not the most reliable source for non-mushmouth platitudes.
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Alex, who had been out reporting, then drove back to his news station in the city. After he got out of his vehicle, Egan chased Alex as he ran toward the station’s door and demanded to see his identification, according to the document laying out police’s evidence in the case. Egan then tackled Alex, put him in a headlock and “began to strangle him,” the affidavit said.
He followed him, chased him down and proceeded to strangle him, and they still needed to determine if this was a “bias-motivated crime”.
He said it - “it’s Trumps USA now”. Get ready for a whole lot of fecal matter hitting the air circulation device…
Egan, who was driving a taxi, pulled up next to Alex at a stoplight and, according to an arrest affidavit, said something to the effect of: “Are you even a U.S. citizen? This is Trump’s America now! I’m a Marine and I took an oath to protect this country from people like you!”
Yeah still too early to tell isn’t it
Prosecuting Attorney’s office: “not enough evidence”
and they still needed to determine if this was a “bias-motivated crime”.
As is always the case, police need to be as neutral as possible in their public statements so they don’t accidentally cause a mistrial by saying something that could be perceived as bias.
By not calling the guy out as a racist piece of shit, they’re making sure the judge won’t be forced to dismiss the case.
He followed him for 40 miles
That’s insane.
These are the people that vote for Trump.
He tackled a man.
Because of his purported ethnicity.
That’s insane.
That’s as many as four tens.
And that’s terrible.
didn’t realize we called racism “bias-motivation” now
Exactly! I kept wondering why they’re not calling it a hate crime.
We hide behind obfuscated language when we dont want to say things.
« It seems the physical interaction was motivated by a slight difference of opinion »
He’ll be charged with terrorism…right?
If he attacked a CEO yes, otherwise no.
Come Jan 20, he’ll be pardoned.
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Most likely true
Lol, no.
I literally came here to say this. Im so happy someone beat me to the punch lmao.
What a racist asshole.
More like psychopath with a range of untreated mental illnesses who should be locked up for everyone’s safety including his own. If only locking him up meant he’d get treated and not trained into something worse.
I’m curious what makes you think he is mentally ill and not just a raging racist. Cause I’m mentally I’ll, and I don’t try to strangle people who look different from me in a rage.
Do you think mental illness only comes in one form and affects people in one way? How else would you describe someone who follows and attacks someone based on some need to fulfill an imaginary direction from an authority other than a person suffering from a form of psychosis? He is clearly also a racist arsehole.
How else would you describe someone who follows and attacks someone based on some need to fulfill an imaginary direction from an authority
Uh I’m pretty sure “racist asshole” covered it, no need to imply that mental illness causes racism (cause it doesn’t)
Mental illness doesn’t cause racism, but healthy people don’t follow other people for 60km and then try and beat them up
Healthy people don’t follow a random stranger for an hour to assault them because of the perceived darkness of their skin.
It really blows my mind we are dealing with a resurgence of racism in the 21st century in America. I was over it when I was a child. It is like I got teleported back to the 1800s.
We really fucked up by not stomping out the south will rise again bullshit. We coddled racism so long we allowed it to fester and grow like the cancer it is.
By this logic no healthy person would ever vote for a cartoonishly stupid oompa loompa.
Oh it wasn’t random.
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What a
racistBIASED asshole!
But a woman who got mad for having a claim denied for health care coverage THAT SHE PAYS FOR and saying something in anger, well that’s a big problem, but stalking someone for 40 miles and strangling them is cool, right conservatives?
40 miles… today’s crazy to follow someone that distance.
Ack miles.
I wish the man wasn’t right. But he is. This is Trump’s America now and this is the new normal and the lügenpresse will be amongst the first victims.
This should be a thing. Every time something horrific happens it needs to be labeled as “Trump’s America.”
And I don’t mean things like natural disasters. Increases in hate, poverty, brutality. Things that Trump stands for and causes.
I’d argue natural disasters related to climate change could also fall under “Trump’s America”
Good point. Guess that’s going on the list too.
“This is Trump’s America now”
Last I checked, Biden is still the acting president for another week and a half. Egan is both a bigot and a fucking dumbass.
Isn’t it another 3 weeks?
Yeah, my bad. I should have checked the calendar instead of trusting my sense of time. It feels a lot more like the new year than it actually is…
Ah right. I assumed you were just confusing the date Congress confirms the election results (the equivalent of 2021’s Jan 6th) with the inauguration.
Fingers crossed for the asteroid in the next three weeks
Still too fucking soon.
You’d think Trump was already in office though. I’ve been seeing headlines detailing Trump’s and musk’s political maneuver’s ever since he won the election. They’re already calling shots for the gop, setting things up for the day they are in complete control. Biden doing fuck-all at this point really doesn’t help matters either. I would hope he’d at least make things difficult for Trump’s transition but i don’t think that’s happening.
I’ve been seeing headlines detailing Trump’s and musk’s political maneuver’s ever since he won the election
Since before the election.
Trump told Republicans to kill the bipartisan border bill long before the election.
Why would he? This is what America wants. People either voted for trump or were too fucking lazy to vote at all.
Because he didn’t want Biden/Dems to get the credit for passing it on their watch.
He’s just ahead of the curve, get ready for more of this stupid dangerous stuff soon.
Wait, I think I’ve figured it out! All minorities need to get jobs at health insurance companies ASAP! That way any magats who threaten or attack you will be prosecuted as terrorists going after the health insurance companies.
No no no, you’re confused. The field the company is in doesn’t matter. What matters is if that you get to a C-level position.
Also the amount of melanin you have, as both Luigi, and the person being Luigied.
But if you make it to a c-level position as a minority in a company the same crowd will spend all day everyday talking about how you’re a DEI hire.
So heads racists, tails bigots I guess.
It’s not that hard to become über wealthy, you just need to be born from über wealthy parents. Simple.
I’m thinking of the woman who said over the phone in response to her claim being denied, “deny, delay depose, you’re next” or something close to that. She was talking to a regular employee at the health insurance company and was immediately arrested and charged, could get something like 10 years in prison. So you don’t have to be a high-level employee.
edit: rechecked the details and found:
Boston was ultimately charged with threats to conduct a mass shooting or an act of terrorism, with a bond set at $100,000, as first reported by local station WFLA. That’s a second degree felony, punishable by up to 15 years in prison.
To really make Republican heads explode, everyone who’s not a Republican needs a small arsenal of AR-15s.
This shit is only going to get more frequent, and a lot worse very soon.
Buy (or 3d print) a gun for your own safety if you are a minority.
Even if you’re not a minority, if you’re not a redhat, you’re a target.
I honestly would not trust a 3D printed gun. Even after some successful uses, there have still been plenty of fuckups.
I think guns are a case where precision machine tooling is a good idea.
Edit: Am I really getting downvoted for suggesting if people get a gun, they get one that was made with precision milling? Would you downvote me for saying people probably shouldn’t assemble their own cars out of 3D printed parts either?
Yeah, you dont wanna have to rack the slide after every shot, like some goddam noob.
I mean I’m thinking of stuff I’ve read like this:
It’s a tool. You don’t make your own screwdriver or drill.
This article explains it better than I can:
Well you may have just moved to Britain but with your knowledge of handguns I would assume you were born there. Guns are dangerous tools. Yes. The kid didn’t shoot himself in the leg because of the 3D printed parts. He shot himself in the leg because he fumbled a partially assembled and cocked handgun that for some inexplicably stupid reason he had decided to load with a single round.
Due to a large amount of very stupid laws by a couple of different three-letter agencies, a handgun is actually defined as the frame that holds all the pressure bearing parts and not the pressure bearing parts themselves.
So he printed the hand grip basically and then put the upper assembly of a standard normal factory assembled upper of a firearm inside of that.
Are you really trying to argue with me that a tool which requires precision doesn’t have to be made with precision?
I mean for fuck’s sake, this isn’t even a gun control argument on my part, it’s a “be wise with what you have” argument.
You go ahead and 3D print all the guns you want though. Just don’t come crying to me if one of them blows up in your hand because of a faulty print. Righteous indignation is the important thing here.
No, I’m telling you that the tool that was made with precision was inserted into a plastic handguard that was 3D printed. The upper assembly and pressure bearing parts of the firearm were assembled in a factory
Try reading what I wrote again or you know maybe reading your own article first
Cool. It’s still generally a bad idea to 3D print a gun. You should get one made professionally for basic safety reasons. I provided a whole other link you’re ignoring.
As a former Marine, fuck this guy. He’s so lost his way with regard to what he’s actually supposed to be standing for.
I appreciate former Marines like yourself coming out across the socials to say this. We should be normalizing the good of what you volunteered to do, and its purpose. These crazies need to learn what they apparently completely missed, and that they are dishonoring the military position they served.
What a doofus… we all know this is Elon’s America now anyway.