What movie or scene from a movie (or show) makes your eyes misty?
The first minutes of Up.
Man, worst second date ever. Had no idea what I was walking into in that theater
I took the kids to see some fun animation movie. Got totalled in the first few minutes.
“Some dust got in my eye. Here, you can eat my popcorn.”
Why is anything else listed here?
Because the question isn’t, “the most.” And even then, that’s subjective.
A few episodes of Futurama. You can guess which ones.
The one where Nixon’s reelected hits too close to home.
The scene in Interstellar when he returns from the time dilation to watch like 40 years of updates he missed from his kids.
Been a while but probably the opening sequence of Up
“I have been, and always shall be, your friend.”
-Spock, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
The last 15 minutes of “The Return of The King,” starting with, “My friends… You bow to no one.”
Every. Damn. Time.
Seen this more times than I can count, and tears every time.
Yes. Bawling like a baby!
Grave of the fireflies… Sometimes the trailer is already enough… F*** can’t even rewatch the thing…
I watched it once, and cried for two hours. Not going through that again!
I always recommend it… But also with the warning: You will only be able to watch it once!
I was looking for the movie when I opened the thread. I remember buying the special edition DVD, watched the movie, and put it away. It broke me, and I’ll never forget it! One of the best movies ever created.
I watched it once and didn’t cry but I must’ve been dissociated AF or something because I don’t remember any of it.
The breaking point for me is when his sister is chewing on the bottons.
I’ve never seen the movie. Reading the summary was enough to mess me up. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to watch it.
The original Fresh Prince when Will is desperately trying to convince himself he doesn’t need his dad. Every time.
It’s funny that for having such a full career I still think Fresh Prince was an absolute masterpiece and unequaled by anything else Will Smith did. (Second place was probably the original Men in Black).
Link for the uninitiated.
“How come he don’t want me, man?” And the way Phil grabs him for the hug 😭💔
Ending of the Sixth Sense.
“Grandma says you asked her a question. She says to tell you the answer is ‘every day’, what was the question, momma?”
“Did I make you proud?”
What dreams may come, 1998 movie with Robin Williams.
That’s a good one, another good Robin Williams is Patch Adams.
“where do you think we are?”
The context is what makes this powerful. The buildup, the misdirection, the reveal.
This was Scrubs at its best. McGinley should have won an Emmy right there.
Spock: “I have been and always shall be your friend” [dies]
Kirk: “No….”
Miguel from Coco singning “Remember me” with Coco.
Omg I held it together so well* during Coco until one of the final scenes when Hector picks up Coco and I absolutely lost it.
*I cry at everything so “well” for me is probably not well for anyone else
Buffy the TV show, when she discovers her mother’s dead body.
“Mom? MOM! … Mommy?” Tears
She looked so lost, it hit me like a gut punch
Ugh for sure. I didn’t even realize it until it was called out, but that episode also has no background music. It’s a subtle change but it makes everything so much more real and unnerving. Just thinking about that episode is making me cry now!
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, “The Body”.
Mom? Mom! Mommy?
Most are giving joke answers.
This one hits hard.