- Ozzy and Drix
- Quads
- Johnny Bravo
- Angela anaconda
- Super jail
- Brak Show
- Bromwell High
- My dad the rockstar
- mega babies
- Ripping Friends
Watership Down.
Was visiting relatives and we rented movies from a tiny video store that didn’t have a lot of options or kids, so we got that and Crocodile Dundee.
Dundee was fun. The bunnies were less so.
My husband is still scarred by that one.
Watership Down was what traumatized me on seeing blood in cartoons. Cartoons and blood just…dont mix.
cow and chicken
One of the shows that taught me English. And Dexter’s Lab taught me French.
Omelette du fromage
That’s all you can say!
Say it again!
Dexter’s Lab was dope shit. Deedee was such a a great antagonist
Catdog is quite similar in terms of “aesthetics” and craziness.
I worked for the company that made that. Crazy shit
Do Saturday Night Live skits count?
The Ambiguously Gay Duo
I’ll allow it
Rocko’s Modern Life was a helluva ride
I was amazed at the shit they were allowed to play in the after school block on Nick/CN sometimes. Rocco might take the cake with the
masterbationmilking episodeIt wasn’t originally designed for kids, and it really shows with the pilot episode. It had swearing in it and most of the jokes would go over kids’ heads. Certainly went over mine until I re-watched it as an adult.
Just stare into Really Really Big Man’s Nipples of the Future.
Rock was a favorite of mine. The nude beach episode really stuck out to me.
And his dog’s name was Spunky, ffs.
Ren and Stimpy
Beavis and Butthead
Love B&B, still traumatized by the Ghost Fart from R&S
Here they aired it at night, when not much else was there to watch. In my teenage years I was always hoping for some kind of erotic scene, but I was only left with confusion and switched the channel.
For me it was probably The Head.
I really liked Duckman as well.
Also, the early Beavis and Butt-Head
True classics, haha.
When I was like, 2? My parents were like “Hey! What’s this new cartoon? Let’s take the kid to the drive-in!”
Fritz the Cat:
How did they react afterwards …?
I don’t really remember, I was 2, but I’m told they kept pushing me down in the back seat. LOL.
Wait, so that means they stayed and watched it?
Once you’re in the Drive In, you’re kind of stuck…
That was the maybe original. Always loved how the cops were actual pigs
Ren & Stimpy
The lord of the rings cartoon. I still don’t know wtf it is.
That’s just Ralph Bakshi movies. Try Wizards for some real wtf.
Wizards had the best ending of any movie I’ve seen to date. It just comes out of fucking nowhere.
I love Bakshi’s LotR and Wizards but I think his best movie is American Pop. Not as WTF as Wizards, but it’s so epic!
I have a soft spot for Bakshi movies but I haven’t seen this one. I will have to check it out.
I think my favorite is Heavy Traffic. It feels like they figured out most of the production problems with Fritz by the time they made it, but still haven’t run entirely out of money like with Wizards.
There’s another animated Hobbit besides Bakshi, which isn’t bad. Not scary though.
In my mid-teens, after Saturday Night Live they showed Fantastic Planet on Night Flight. That was an experience.
I watched that on acid… Wow what an experience. Highly recommend
Check out Gandahar. Anyone who thinks Star Trek has the most messed up time travel plotlines needs to watch this.
I’m still not sure whether “Angela Anaconda” was real or a collective fever dream.
“hey what if we made a cartoon entirely about the revenge fantasies of a 12 year old girl?”
“Sounds great, make it papercraft too, just to make it extra unsettling”
“How about everything is in color except the peoples skin.”
Amazing show!
I was a kid in the 90’s. It’d probably be easier to list the normalest cartoons. Like Doug.
Freakazoid, possibly. Or Toxic Avenger. Though the latter is more insane that they turned the original concept into something for kids in the first place.
Duckman, though that was not for kids.
Ren and Stimpy and Rocko’s Modern Life both had stuff that was bizarre and only allowed in a kid’s show because it was over their heads.
Batman TAS and Gargoyles both had some heavy shit. The latter also had a guy die by having fire erupt from behind his eyeballs, and a scene where a surgeon explains a gunshot wound in visceral detail. God I love that show.
If you like weird old SF books, the guy who wrote TAS and Gargoyles (RIP J. Michael Reaves) did a space-noir called Darkworld Detective, it’s pretty good. Obviously unrelated to Batman though.
I thing Dutch people from my generation have you all beat:
Purno de Purno (porn pun very much intended)
A psychedelic cartoon about a funny guy in spandex that has a shitload of nudity (tits, penisses etc) to the point of him even crawling in the vagina of a giant lady in space. It has references to litaral drug use. Have a look here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4o6MIJ7Iq1U doesn’t matter if you know the language, just browse through. That episode is called ‘In het hol van de kietelaar’ which translates to ‘In the clitoris’ lair (hole)’
This was on kids tv. Nobody got seriously harmed by it. It was funny and weird, but you don’t really register exactltyy how weird it is untill you hear about sensitivities on US TV (nipplegate lol)
looks like it was animated on an Amiga
Yup it was made on a Amiga 2000
The Brave Little Toaster. It’s a bit endearing until the LSD trip goes bad.