For well over a decade, maybe 15yrs I’ve been using Ubuntu and now Pop-OS I am really interested in starting to getting involved in KDE development somehow as retired software engineer. Also keen to switch to Arch…

What do you use for distro with your KDE work ?

  • Troy
    21 year ago

    I’m out of the loop, but I used to use Slackware – largely because the distro didn’t get mad when I just installed things from source directly onto the filesystem. No dependency tracking ;)

    But I had a lot of experience before that with other distros.

    Good choices are probable OpenSuse (tumbleweed), Arch, or Neon. Actually, I don’t know the current state of Neon… is that still a thing?

      21 year ago

      I just installed Neon on my PC a couple months ago and it’s my daily driver. Yep, it’s still a thing. 😁

  • @louis_sch
    11 year ago

    I’m on Arch and very happy with the experience

    11 year ago

    Any distro that allows you to patch and rebuild KDE packages quickly will be good. Personally, I really like Arch for this purpose because working off of PKGBUILDS just rock.