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That’s the full house. Wins every time.
Damn you. Nostalgia just hit me hard and I now need to figure out how to play this again.
you press buttons on the controller and the character reacts to those. It’s that easy!
Plenty of ways!
I found an Android version but the reviews are really hit or miss…I might give it a try.
I haven’t messed with that version, but I have played it with an android emulator
The android version is hit or miss. Better off saving a few dollars and emulating it. Plenty of emulators available on Android phones.
4chan’s Emulation General thread wiki for emulators etc.
NoIntro Romsets on for roms.
Chrono Trigger - SNES online emulator. Had to reload when it was downloading the game data but works fine… I may be busy for a few days now.
Don’t make me get the spray bottle.
Online emulators are crapware. You don’t know what other code they’re running on your machine, you don’t know if you’re playing a legit copy or some random ass hack, and most importantly it’s a quick route to randomly losing your save data. Also those sites are far more likely to get targeted by copyright enforcement.
4chan’s Emulation General thread wiki for emulators etc.
NoIntro Romsets on for roms.
Plus, if you use a decent emulator, you can often tale your save files on the go. Retroarch can be a bear to set up, but I can play on my big monitor at home and pick right up on my phone later while I’m waiting at the doctor’s office or something.
I don’t know if I would high-horse water bottle it. What you’ve said is true of any website or even downloading emulators and roms unless you’ve created the rom yourself with the original. Your statement makes it seem like that process is completely safe and making it a false sense of security. You can gain confidence in a source but that’s never a guarantee.
The saving file is definitely a bonus and being able to secure an emulator on a non-networked device is even better. I just threw up the online emulator for that instant itch nostalgia hit if the person wanted it. Chrono Trigger is a very long game if you explore enough, wanting to play it and being to actually play the entire thing is sometimes completely different. I’m definitely grateful for the resources you posted up so they can follow through with that path if anyone wants to go all the way.
It’s there a way to save the game in browser? Holy shit I didn’t know this existed
Better off not using an in browser emulator, for a large number of reasons. Biggest one is that you’re likely to randomly lose your save data.
4chan’s Emulation General thread wiki for emulators etc.
NoIntro Romsets on for roms.
Chrono Trigger is the most legit RPG out there, no doubt.
OOT just hits different. Tugging some spirit strings.
Chrono Trigger is the best Final Fantasy game ever made.
Yep. If you want a good Final Fantasy game, you’ve got to get the Dragon Quest guys to design it.
FF7 has 0 bullshit water temples
… and so is thus inferior.
There is a bullshit under water superboss though.
At least he’s optional! And easier than Ruby…
Water Temple itself was not bad. What was bad was having to pause to switch boots. There are mods nowadays to allow equipping boots to the d-pad and it makes the temple much more fun.
I guess they’re tied on that front.
I’m a huge Final Fantasy fan. Ocarina of Time is the better game.
It’s really gameplay vs story. Ott heavy on game play where ff7 can be like reading a book. nothing really revolutionary about its game play some beautiful backgrounds and a deep storyline. Ott has some seriously revolutionary 3d interactions.
I didn’t love 7’s story. There’s a bunch of fluff with every side-character having their own mini-story. The amnesia plot line in particular was annoying.
I generally like the whole lifestream stuff. But I think the whole story is pretty mid compared to the storylines of other Final Fantasy games.
Agreed, as a game, as in fun, ff7 wasn’t very good. That music, those visual designs (the pre rendered stuff), and the story (though it suffered from bad localization) were compelling. But random encounters, fights filled with mostly waiting to be able to do things, the best attacks doing too much spectacle which was nice the first time, but pretty boring on repetition… The materia management became frustrating as you got more party members and no way to arrange or search, even with in game dialog mentioning how it was a pain…
Chrono Cross actually had significantly better game design, with enemies on screen and no standing around waiting for some characters turn to come up before anything would happen. Wish ff7 had clipped the “no action allowed by either side” time and that would have helped immensely. Then it just becomes a matter of if the player prefers real time adventure to menu driven play.
OoT isn’t even the best Zelda… Link to the past ftw
FF7 isn’t the best FF
I’d have a much harder time if the questions was A Link to the Past or Final Fantasy VI
Mechanics: FF7
Atmosphere: Ocarina
Storyline: FF7
Aged well: Ocarina
Agree. And now for a room splitter:
Music: FF7
This one gets it
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I love the music for both and both games were part of my teen life, and I replayed Ocarina of Time a lot more… but I agree with FF7. Nobuo Uematsu is incomparable.
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I would switch mechanics and atmosphere myself, but I agree overall that it is 2-2. Both are good for different reasons and they weirdly do not overlap on any of them with the exception of music which both were only slightly above average. With that said the OoT soundtrack is much more memorable. There is only a single FF7 track that I actually remember well.
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Every Final Fantasy I have beaten has been better than 7.
I like 4,5, 9, and 12 all more than 7 as an adult.
But 7 was a cultural phenomenon, and it devoured my teenage imagination when it came out.
When I was a kid, I didn’t really get into RPGs until after 7 was already out. I got into Arc the Lad, Jade Cocoon, and FF8 on the PS1. When I tried to go back and play FF7, it looked so ugly, I had a hard time connecting with it.
As an adult, the story and mini-games were frustrating. The obsession with the game is annoying as well. Although it’s undeniable the impact it has had on gaming.
For the record, I’ve beaten 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 13-2, 15, 16, Crisis Core, Dissidia, Dissidia 012, Theatrhythm Final Bar Line
Yeah that’s basically my story, but you’ve beaten more than I have.
Have you not beaten 7?
Wow, I didn’t realize what I said was actually a paradox. lol, I’ll reword.
FF7 is the worst Final Fantasy that I’ve beaten.
Well now I need to know if you’ve beaten 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, or 15. Because how can any of those be better than 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1?
(God damn there are too many of these games 😬)
Copied from another comment of mine, I have beaten 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 13-2, 15, 16, Crisis Core, Dissidia, Dissidia 012, Theatrhythm Final Bar Line.
My top 3 are X, VIII, and XII in that order.
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I’m here to add my opinion that FF9 is superior to FF7.
In general, I prefer when your characters have set classes. It feels like it lets the characters have more fleshed-out personalities.
Without spoiling anything, it allows you to tell story through the medium. Have a character who spent his whole life in one class, relying on specific skills, and he maybe goes through a huge fight to signify that he’s changed for the better? Congrats. You have a class change! Now you’re a level nothing!
Maybe someone traumatizes a caster, and now they can’t concentrate, giving them a chance to fail their spells!
If you can, I would like to recommend that you do.
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You have no future in politics.
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9 is one of the two I haven’t played yet.
Comrade! There are DOZENS of us!
Any reasons why? Seriously asking because I had a hell of a time getting into FF9 for some reason, to the point where I actually never finished it.
I’m leagues older now and, hey, maybe I can go back and appreciate it differently…who knows.
I love a lot about IX. However the combat is much slower than the other games. IIRC, an attack has to complete entirely and the character returns before the next character goes. While in VIII, the next queued attacker starts moving before the last one finishes their movements. Additionally, IX has 4 characters in battle. If you’re bring strategic, it can be very slow moving. Also, every boss has a valuable steal, but chances of stealing it are low. So if you take the bait, you will spend a lot of time repeatedly trying to steal. Also, your abilities are tied to your equipment unless you grind out enough points to unlock them, meaning you either keep bad equipment, upgrade and abandon abilities, or grind until the abilities are unlocked.
Also, the chibi-style art isn’t for everyone. I had more issues with 7’s style. But it’s a preference.
Style is probably the biggest thing IX has going for it, maybe character writing. The main plot wasn’t gripping or novel, you’ve already touched on some gameplay missteps, and Tetra Master is garbage.
Tetra Master is almost a lot of fun. It just needs to turn down the RNG and not be so mysterious with digit meanings.
I liked the story. Although most of the substance is late-game, which is common for FF games. But I thought it was pretty solid.
Character writing is definitely top-tier. The style is perfect for PS1 too. I think it has aged the best of the PS1 games.
Needs more than that to compare favorably against Triple Triad.
Kuja fell very flat for me. Relation to Zidane is retreading old ground, design is obviously trying to evoke Sephiroth, motivation seemed generically evil. The stuff with the Black Mages and Vivi was great (possibly just because Vivi is a top tier character and his innocence juxtaposed against the tragedy helps it hit). The Genome stuff feels awfully close to the Sephiroth clone stuff, right on down to the lead protagonist full of false memories. The Terra/Gaia angle is kinda cool.
Heartily agree on aging the best, visually. The stylized fantasy aesthetic gives it a pleasant timelessness.
Since you mention it, I do see some similarities with VII. Although I think IX does a lot of it better than VII. Kuja actually has a connection with Zidane and rooted in jealousy. Where Cloud’s obsession is the opposite and rooted in revenge (the clone part in particular ending up being a false flag for Cloud).
I think a lot of the similarities are superficial. The actual story is quite different. But it’s interesting to see common tropes in Final Fantasy games. Lost memories, for example, is extremely common.
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Final Fantasy VII, even though it was unfinished at the time. The N64 Zelda games never did anything for me personally but I’m in the minority there.
what do you mean it was unfinished at the time?
The game’s story is thread-bare and incomprehensible in places because a bunch of stuff got cut extremely late to get the game out the door. The entire Zack thing. Yuffie and Vincent had almost everything related to them cut out entirely. And then there was the english localization which fixed some of those issues but added more of its own with the pretty bad translation making things even harder to figure out. Square would end up doing the same thing but far far worse with Xenogears with large chunks of the game removed and replaced with text at the beginning of the second disc to give one example.
I think it’s a matter of taste. I prefer JRPGs, so FFVII is the best one for me. But both are great games in their own right.
Ocarina is more innovative and its formula was copied for many years. Z Targetting especially (I know some other game used something very similar before OOT), set an example for everyone to follow.
And FFVII, while not that innovative, also set its own legacy: if not for FFVII the West would have missed many great JRPGs from then on. It opened the floodgates and publishers started thinking of US and Europe as viable markets for JRPGs. So we have FFVII to thank for that.
For some reason, I just can’t get into FF7. I mean, I’ve beaten, 4, 5, 6, and 8, but 7 puts me to sleep.
So that’s a vote for Zelda from me.
OoT. It’s not even a competition
They’re not even remotely the same. I wouldn’t say either is better than the other.
One of them I’ve started 4 times but never finished and the other made me scared of chickens.
Looks like someone clucked around and found out!
looking back its a weird thing to even have in the game
It goes back at least to A Link to the Past. Not sure if there’s precedent before that.
I think it started in that one, still wonder how the revenge squad idea came about though.
I’ve only played oot, but it’s a wonderful game. My first Zelda game that completely pulled me into the series.