No. This is a bank

  • scops
    4810 months ago

    I know some bank tellers who say they are taught to comply with ANY robbery instructions. Even if it’s as simple as someone slipping them a note saying, “This is a robbery” with no explicit threats. If they feel comfortable, they can slip him the marked bills or dye packs, but they won’t be punished if they don’t. Get the robber out, lock the door, call the cops.

    I could totally see the tellers recognizing the avocado for what it was and figuring it was on the cops to catch him, not theirs.

      10 months ago

      Get the robber out, lock the door, call the cops.

      For us it was ‘hit the silent alarm as soon as it is safe to do so’ instead of calling the cops ourselves. Hitting the alarm would trigger a whole chain of events, which included alerting the cops, region manager and an emotional support team and sending out a notification to our intranet that your office would not be reachable for the rest of that day and the day after. It would also immediately notify the correct police departments, which was another reason why we were instructed to not call the alarm number.

      Our robber wrapped a plastic bag around his arm so probably didn’t have a firearm, but you simply do not take that risk. Although my colleague had to tell that nitwit that he walked into a branch office that didn’t handle money and had nothing on premises, which was clearly advertised at the door. It did have an ATM, but, as was also made very clear on the outside, we didn’t have access to that. Never seen somebody so confused, fortunately he 180’d out of there. We were lucky that it was probably just somebody who acted on an impulse, another office a few streets down had a real armed robbery, where one of my colleagues got a gun put to her head. Took her years to get her live back on track.

      10 months ago

      You can get a fairly decent new car for that money or you can where I live anyways.

      Might not be the coolest car in the world but it will be fine.

      Not saying that robbing banks with an avocado is a good idea though.

      Here they wouldn’t get shit because nearly none of our banks handle any cash. My bank decided in 2008 that only ⅓ of their banks should handle any cash. It seems that they have since gone completely cash free.

          110 months ago

          Not sure what you mean, but my bank has like 70+ locations in my country.

          In 2012 they apparently had 165 locations and 101 of those only had ATMs and no manual cash handling. My bank was the first with this large scale change but now every bank is essentially cash free. Hell, the whole country is essentially cash free.

            10 months ago

            Fractional reserve is a reference to banks needing to keep a fraction of their customers’ deposits but are allowed to invest/lend out the rest. Some people think this means keep a fraction of customers cash on hand because liquid assets are often referred to as cash in accounting even if it isn’t actually paper money.

              110 months ago

              Ah, I got you. Thanks for explaining.

              I never imagined that any banks would ever keep cash in any large quantities. That seems like it would be extremely annoying for everyone when you can just let other companies handle the cash and ATMs and instead just send money digitally. I can imagine any banks has operated like that for a few decades at least.

        110 months ago

        Banks are cash free now??? What a world. At what point to we get to where banks don’t really do anything at all except legally rob you and bill you for stupid shit?

          10 months ago

          Yeah, cash free greatly decreases the risk of robberies from high to non-existent. And no one really uses cash anyways here so it doesn’t matter much. If someone wants to use cash anyways, we have these machines that are called automated teller machine.

          I am not saying I’m a huge fan of banks but they do actually provide useful very services like debit/credit cards, loans, safe keepings of money, and a bunch of other stuff. And if you only use the basic services with a debit card plus basic bank accounts there are minimal yearly fees. I pay nothing because I’m young enough but in a few years I will have to pay what’s equivalent to around 55 USD each year, which I think is very reasonable.

              110 months ago

              I wouldn’t say excited but I don’t care much. I personally never ever use cash because it’s a hassle but I obviously think that it should be possible.

              And banks having cash is honestly pretty useless anyways.

    1810 months ago

    “…for 32,000$, thus breaking even with the money he initially invested buying avocados to commit the heist”.

  • ShaunaTheDead
    1610 months ago

    On a somewhat related note, that Sun Tzu quote reminds me of something he did. Sun Tzu had a rivalry with this other general who he often got into skirmishes with and always defeated him or outmaneuvered him with some kind of trickery. So one time this rival general actually had Sun Tzu on the ropes and had chased him into a bit of a corner. Sun Tzu was in a smallish fort with the enemy general closing in and he definitely did not have enough soldiers to hold the fort for long.

    So instead of trying to intimidate his rival with a show of force or making his army seem bigger than it was or whatever else he might have tried instead when his rival arrived at the fort he found the front gate fully open and nobody in sight except Sun Tzu himself sitting on the battlement playing an instrument somewhat akin to a lyre I think.

    His rival was so wary of trickery that he assumed it must be a trap, or a distraction while a larger army moves in to reinforce him, so he left and Sun Tzu and his army survived.

    • TheChurn
      2810 months ago

      Sun Tzu isn’t in that story, it is a tale about Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi from the Three Kingdoms period.

      • ShaunaTheDead
        910 months ago

        Oh interesting! I must have mixed my facts up or something, my bad. You’re right that it’s attributed to Zhuge Liang, but it seems like Wikipedia thinks it was a fictional story when attributed to Zhuge Liang, but it looks like he wasn’t the first to use this strategy and he wasn’t the last. Regardless, I was wrong about Sun Tzu having done it and I learned more about history, so thanks!

        Here’s the Wikipedia article I was referring to:

          110 months ago

          A lot of the stuff in modern The Art Of War publications was added later - basically glorified notes - by scholars who assume it illustrates some point made by Sun Tzu. They don’t always hit their mark, though.

    • MacN'Cheezus
      10 months ago

      Legend has it they needed an extra casket just for his balls when they buried him, and it required twice the number of pallbearers his actual body did.

    • MacN'Cheezus
      510 months ago

      All of a sudden, boomers wish we’d stuck to putting them on toast…

  • GreenPlasticSushiGrass
    610 months ago

    So you do actually have to be able to defend against an avocado attack before you move on to pointed sticks. TIL.

  • The Giant Korean
    410 months ago

    If you want to be financially independent, stop buying avocado toast. Use the avocado to hold up a bank instead.

    410 months ago

    I hate that i recognize that this quote is actually a screen shot from Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (2009)