I was going to say replaying but I feel like that limits the question to games like Prey or Fallout New Vegas that have endings and games like The Sims 2 or Cities Skylines where you can play indefinitely end up excluded.
I’m not really referring to games like League of Legends where you’re coming back every month. More so games where you stop playing for an extended period of time.
Minecraft, you can only pretend to have gotten away for so long before the block game calls again.
One thing I’ve gotten into doing is instead of starting a new game I just run off in some random direction for an hour. It’s neat to stumble across things you built years ago
I definitely get what you mean
They have bees now!
We play it HARD a few weekends a year. So amazing to get lost in a new world every now and then.
Factorio. I love the gameplay but none of my friends play it so I normally play other games with them and come back to Factorio every now and then.
I’m with you, I got a lot of hours in it but still come back every few months for a new map.
But although I’ve done mega bases, deathworld, Bobs and Space Exploration, I don’t want to do them again even though I thoroughly enjoyed them.
My love is the early game and up to launching a rocket. Anyone with me on this?
Civ V, every few months I decide to completely fuck up my sleep schedule playing later than I should
One more turn…
…and it’s morning.
V = 5, fancy roman numbers
Oh I understand that it is 5. But why you are not playing 6?
Not OP, but I like both for different reasons. V doesn’t have the districts, which changes gameplay pretty significantly. I also prefer the art style of V. That being said, I like the districts and usually play VI, but go back to V almost as often
Oops, my b, misunderstood. I prefer civ V, and seems like a fair number of people do too. I like the art style, and game mechanics better in V. Admittedly though I could never really get into VI, but it seems like a lot of people prefer it too.
I actually love Civ IV, myself. I’m sure Leonard Nemoy is a huge part of why.
That reminds me about the music of Leonardo Workshop world’s miracle in Civ 2. I remember very little about Civ 2, but this wonder is with me forever:)
- Shattered Pixel Dungeon
- Project Zomboid
- Vampire Survivors
- Rimworld
- Metal Gear Solid V (on PC with mods that greatly expand/enhance free roam, and add more side ops)
- Tomba 1 and 2 (Tombi in the EU)
- Chrono Trigger
- Megaman Legends (love the sequel, but haven’t ever completed it, life keeps getting in the way)
- Castlevania Syphony of the Night
- Sonic Adventure (it’s trash, but fun trash, especially with mods)
- Sonic Mania, Sonic 3 and Knuckles
- Minecraft
Some that I haven’t come back to in a while, but I’m overdue:
- Ape Escape
- Crash Bandicoot (1-3)
- Spyro (1-3)
- Digimon World 3
- Any of the GBA or DS Castlevanias
- Actraiser
- Rayman 2
- Megaman Battle Network series(3 and 4 are my favorite entries)
- Dissidia Duodecim
- Zone of the Enders 2
- God Hand
- Wipeout Pulse/Pure
- Pretty much any Kirby game
Most of these games I find just plain fun. Thanks for asking, I was starting to get burned out and not finding stuff as fun, but writing this out has me hankering to revisit some old favorites again.
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You missed like another 40 minutes of cut scenes before briefly getting to control your bare-assed character before more cut scenes. I also gave up.
Can you recommend some Sonic Adventure mods?
Skyrim for the mods. Every hardware upgrade I wonder how much more I can push it.
What were the results of your most recent trial?
Aside from textures being able to run enbs more smoothly.
After my most recent upgrade i loaded up nearly a TB of mods with Wabbajack. It looked gorgeous. It ran smoothly. The gameplay mods made it less fun!
Wabbajack makes me regret not getting the nexusmods lifetime option.
Was definitely worth it. My biggest problem with it isn’t even Wabbajack.
The modding community send to have settled on making Skyrim hardcore these days. While I fine games that are meant for that fun, it’s not why I want to play Skyrim. So those mod packs end up ruining the game for me.
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Peglin is also pretty great
For me,
- half life 1 and 2
- portal 1 but not 2
- psychonauts 1 and 2
They’re like chicken soup. So good.
Just curious as why not Portal 2? That’s honestly one of my “chicken soup” comfort food games - Portal 1 is great but to me, Portal 2 is so much more.
I think it’s the length, is all. Tough to commit to all that again now. It is great, for sure. We reference it in quotes all the time around my house.
Portal 2 is definitely the one I pick up regularly, but specifically for the Perpetual Testing Initiative. I’ve already played the main story enough times, but dropping in for a few really well-made user-created levels with a little bit of new Cave Johnson dialogue is great!
STALKER, Stardew Valley, No Man’s Sky, Skyrim, Morrowind, WoW Classic/Vanilla, Mass Effect, Fallout 3/New Vegas.
Morrowind, there are some great multi player communities.
Mindustry, sometimes i just listen to the machines.
pretty much any console game on emulators, recently playing ffvii again while i wait for rebirth pc port.
shattered pixel dungeon.
Do you mind talking a bit more about the Morrowind multiplayer? I’d be interested to hear how it works and your experience
You have to have the original game files either from the disk or downloaded from GoG or steam. Then you need tes3mp which runs great on linux and windows. I personally play on a server called neravarine prophecies, they have seasonal events and the community is a lot of fun. It uses the same engine as openMW so most of the mods that work on OpenMW are compatible, I’d stick with cosmetics to keep the servers you join compatible.
Different servers have different rules, many of them forbid going into areas that cause server crashes, i.e. mornhould.
I had a blast, then I got my kids to play and i was there to guide them a bit when the game gets tough.
I had no idea morrowind had multiplayer mods. That sounds cool!
Skyrim. Always end up with conjuration build.
Kenshi and Rimworld, with tons of mods its like adding different spices to the same yummy dish ☺️
I’ve had Kenshi on my wishlist for a long time, and I haven’t pulled the trigger. What’s your favorite part about it? Most of what I know is that it’s punishing and has deep roleplaying opportunities, but I don’t know a lot of the specifics.
I love that its brutal when you start out. Everything can kill you. From bandits, to creatures, hell even certain regions are hazardous. First time playing and exploring the biomes I was walking on egg shells constantly, really enjoyed that. Overtime you get attached to your npc as they continuously get into fights and try to not lose a limb (seriously). Lore wise (if you are into that like I am) you start shifting through bits of relics from the past on your travels. You can buy maps or just randomly discover landmarks as you roam. There’s also politics and you’ll learn with time who is in charge of what. Is it safe to enter here or stay there? You are free to be whatever you want; Have a storefront and sell your crafts for cash (cats), explore and make bank with old artifacts you find, become a thief and run mock stealing, grow drugs and profit from that, you can build a base or not. Choose to make a large squad or keep is small. Watch as they fight & work together. Each play through is always different and if you love mods then you can go crazy with added customization. If that sounds good than you can totally wait for it to go on sale if anything. Kenshi 2 is in the works now so will definitely look forward to that one ☺️
Everything can kill you.
Sounds like Noita.
Gotta look it up now ☺️
Apparently Noita is gonna be in April’s Humble Choice, if that’s up your alley at all.
Binding of Isaac for sure. Been playing on and off since I was in high school and there is just so much content there and new crazy synergies to find. Across all platforms I have well over a thousand hours. Hoping I can 100% it some day!
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, Dwarf Fortress. Highly-replayable, open-world and they keep being developed, so when you come back, there’s new stuff.
Skyrim, Fallout 4. Same idea, but the modders have added a lot of content.
Some of the city-builders, like Tropico 5. I play for a while, get tired, uninstall, but tend to come back, because the game is replayable.
Chase the Sun and Nova Drift are action games that I have spent some time away from and then come back and played. Nova Drift has seen regular development.
Pinball sims. I think that one can only play so much pinball, but I find myself thinking “I’d like to play a pinball game” down the line and reinstall.
I think that most of the games have some common characteristics:
Didn’t live-or-die based on their technology or graphics, because they’re invariably obsolete by the time I’ve come back.
Need to be highly-replayable. I’ve played games with story, like Fallout: New Vegas but I don’t really go back to play them for the story (though I’ll concede that specifically Fallout: New Vegas does have multiple paths to explore). They can’t be appealing because of a surprising or tense plot or a plot twist.
Often see continued development or modding, so there’s some reason to go back and see what’s there (though pinball would be a notable exception…you don’t go back for new content).
Doom (1993). Though, I use a source port and the Brutal Doom mod. The Binding of Isaac, as well.
Do you play any other Doom WADs?
Definitely Bioshock Infinite. It was the first Bioshock game I ever played and the story just wow’ed me, it quickly became one of my favs.
Now I just treat the whole game like a huge movie event, playing the game with my friends as we experience the story. It’s just something that i would introduce anyone to, even if they din’t play that many video games cuz compared to Bioshock 1 the action is a lot faster.
(Btw Bio1 is better in almost everything, love that game as well)
Do you have arguments to make against the people who hate Infinite’s story? I’m undecided, I’ve heard their opinions and I’d like to hear an opposing one
I haven’t read many arguments made by people who hated Infinite’s story but I loved it because it does one thing really well: making shit up as you go. Which is why it works so well when I let my friends play it as movie. There are very few ways to not have fun when beautifully interesting things like, “He doesn’t row”, lighthouse rocket chair, the bird or the cage, Quantum Entanglement, a star wars reference keep surfacing up adding to an ever increasing thread of inquires and intrigues.
No matter what arguments someone may have against the story, it’s hard to deny that it oozes fantastical details, mystery and lore.
There’s a childlike wow-ness to the game because it doesn’t pursue multiverse in the way we are so used to: on the nose. It lets the visuals of infinite lighthouses speak for itself.
I actually enjoyed the story. Some of the themes and motifs were heavy handed, but that’s par for the course. Honestly, the biggest issue with the story is that players have come to expect a big plot twist. Bioshock 1’s twist hit first-time players hard, so later games have tried to replicate that. But the issue is that it only hit players hard because they never knew it was coming. They only remember it because it was truly shocking the first time you played through it.
So now players have come to expect that from the series, which means the series can’t replicate it; When players are looking for a big plot twist, you can’t really hide it anymore. Because as soon as you start foreshadowing it, players catch on. And if you’re too subtle with your signals, then players who have been looking for it will say that doesn’t make any sense.
Most of the story criticism I’ve heard fall into a handful of categories:
Overall plot seeming convoluted and hard to follow (which is understandable when you throw both time travel and parallel universes into the same story)
Whitewashed portrayal of racism used for story aesthetics
Ending feeling confusing and/or unsatisfying
Certain story moments feeling out of place and/or undermining things that other story moments set up
I haven’t seen much in the way of players expecting/predicting plot twists.