Description: Two persons standing next to each other. The one colored pink is labeled as “Transfems”, the one in blue is labeled “Transmascs”. The two of them are high-fiving under the label “Oh my God! Don’t use duct tape for that.”
I could not find the original source. Sorry. ☹️
I’m almost too afraid to ask…
Transfem folk tuck with tape to achieve a smooth groin area, transmasc folk use tape to achieve a flat chest.
Duct tape is seriously the wrong tool and can cause serious damage. “Trans tape” or “KT tape” are the right thing to use.
to clarify on the damage a bit, duct tape is thick and non-permeable enough that it makes a hard air seal against your skin. that plus the adhesive being somewhat abrasive means the top layers of skin just start dying. if you’ve ever used a salicylic acid pad or something of the sort for warts, it’s a very similar effect.
even a little bit of prolonged use and you’ll end up with a persistent rash kind of thing. too long and you get what look like bedsores. the damage is cumulative as more fresh skin is exposed, and it will take longer than you think it should to heal.
it’s also one of the only ways to ACTUALLY get rid of a planter’s wart for good, at home. seriously do not recommend unless you are REALLY VERY CAREFUL about it. the end goal is literally a hole in your foot, and duct tape gets you there more reliably than acid lmao
Umm, thanks for that, now it makes some more sense. I was using wound pads for an infected wound for about a month and it took about a year for the mark of the adhesive to go away, hmmm (I think though such pads shouldnt cause it, especially when they call themselves hypoallergic, but whatever). Also when I bathed I was using duct tape with food membrane to somewhat seal the area and I think this too would leave a similar temprory mark.
I learned from a family member who underwent multiple back to back surgeries that there is a medical equivalent of goo-gone (adhesive removal liquid), which is great for this sort of thing
Oh god, that’s just no bueno.
I did not know that tape worked for binding, that was always the half that confused me about the meme.
Transfems who seek to make their bulge less prominent may turn to duct tape, which may not be obvious to them as a bad idea.
Transmascs may do the same in lieu of a binder.
Knowledge is power though! What does it mean, could anyone explain?
Ted did a few comments above. Transmascs tape their chests and transfems tape the bulge. Both groups are looking to smooth the area.
Thanks, that is good to know. Certainly would’ve never made that connection myself