In a system that can't see you, your behavioural patterns become the things that are used to discriminate against you. That's all a digital system can really see about you. Physical attributes don't mean anything in a digital world, things like your ethnicity, gender, age, etc., aren't relevant to digital
I’ll choose to ignore your snark and engage with you seriously, because your misconception of race as biology is a very common one. It’s a misconception that has been proven wrong over and over again. Race being culturally constructed does not prove a link between skin color and cultural behavior. In fact it proves the opposite.
If you genuinely care about this topic, I suggest you arm yourself with some scientific knowledge. Here’s some more reading to add to my previous list:
this is some wild mental gymnastics, and misunderstands what you are being informed on. I also recommend you read the links you have been sent at the least before trying to discuss the intersection of skin color, race, culture, and behavior again.
please read about this topic like what the other user linked to you, i think it will help you understand why the conversation went how it did.
right now you mostly appear to be saying things that are doubly wrong, both not understanding what race means in the modern context (it’s largely defined by skin color, and yes it’s incorrect, and yes it’s what you inadvertently reference by saying skin color = behavioral patterns) and making a false link between behavior and phenotypic traits like skin color.
again, please read about this topic from experts, you will have a much better time understanding the thing you said.
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I’ll choose to ignore your snark and engage with you seriously, because your misconception of race as biology is a very common one. It’s a misconception that has been proven wrong over and over again. Race being culturally constructed does not prove a link between skin color and cultural behavior. In fact it proves the opposite.
If you genuinely care about this topic, I suggest you arm yourself with some scientific knowledge. Here’s some more reading to add to my previous list:
There is No Biological Meaning for ‘Race’
Race Is Not Genetic
There Is No Such Thing as Race
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Holy fuck, please go outside. As a certified real black person I think you need to actually fucking touch some grass and meet some real black people.
Here’s a video of me speaking just so you shut up.
If you learn about the world through shit like this it’d certainly explain the racism.
The Onion made a joke about this actually, Sale Of BET To White Supremacist Group Results In No Changes To Programming.
…and see what, exactly? That culture doesn’t exist?
Why…should I care if you’re black?
What shit? You mean Black Entertainment Television? TV for black people? Black culture?
Do you even know what you’re trying to argue?
Yes lol.
Because I am a living counterexample to the idea that black people need to speak a certain way.
And Google’s “privacy sandbox” is so private. C’mon lol. You gotta be either stupid or trolling.
this is some wild mental gymnastics, and misunderstands what you are being informed on. I also recommend you read the links you have been sent at the least before trying to discuss the intersection of skin color, race, culture, and behavior again.
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please read about this topic like what the other user linked to you, i think it will help you understand why the conversation went how it did.
right now you mostly appear to be saying things that are doubly wrong, both not understanding what race means in the modern context (it’s largely defined by skin color, and yes it’s incorrect, and yes it’s what you inadvertently reference by saying skin color = behavioral patterns) and making a false link between behavior and phenotypic traits like skin color.
again, please read about this topic from experts, you will have a much better time understanding the thing you said.
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I see that engaging with you seriously was indeed pointless.
I suggest you read some books before spouting misinformation about things you clearly don’t understand.
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