Minorities - needs hugs

Disabled people - needs hugs

LGBTQ+ people - needs hugs

Conservatives - does not need hugs

Wealth exceeding $500,000,000 - does not need hugs

MAGA - does not need hugs

  • @phanto@lemmy.ca
    101 month ago

    This is what makes me so sad. I have a friend, got married, had a kid, looked at the world and said, “This has to change.” He bought solar. Bought a Tesla. Started growing food in his back yard. Joined a farm co-op. Did all the right things. Frankly, I admire his willingness to actually be the change he wanted in the world. Then, the owner of the car company turned into a Nazi. Not exactly his fault. Some Tesla drivers need hugs.

    • k_rol
      130 days ago

      I have a good friend who bought a Tesla for the green reasons, and now he is stuck with it in a way.