@nostupidquestions How do I import Tubular data and subscriptions into Newpipe?
Newpipe seems to update faster than Tubular and I wanna fix playback when Youtube breaks as soon as possible.

  • I’m on PipePipe has it also has sponsor block like tubular. U gotta get it via obtanium as the fdroid build is outdated.

    Regardless in tubular go to: Settings > backup > export database Then save that file somewhere

    Then on NewPipe or PipePipe go to: Setting > backup > import database Then select the file u saved earlyer.

    • @sp6@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      +1 for PipePipe if you want quick updates + SponsorBlock. I switched from Tubular a few days ago, and it imported my Tubular export flawlessly.

      You don’t necessarily need to use Obtanium though, the version on F-Droid has a built-in updater. But unfortunately the built-in updater isn’t automatic (just a pop up notification that takes you to the .apk download page), so I can see the convenience of Obtainium.