It’s nothing to do with W/L it’s because it fucks your team mates (and essentially everyone else, who now are devoid of a proper match) in RL. One of the many reasons I never stuck by RL was other players. People would so frequently just trash talk you when you’re learning and then fuck off out of the match, leaving you to get rolled by two players. These players would frequently be worse too. At least if you get rolled with a full team, you’ll probably learn something.
RL and games with low team player counts I 100% understand it for. It’s a punishment for selfish players. In a match with bots less so but I guess if you’re doing bad enough to be matched with bots they probably want to to stay and learn to play.
The Rocket League community united around the idea that forcing everyone to watch every single replay makes them more tilted, so that’s what they’re going to do. The toxicity of that community is off the charts, up there with the worst like League of Legends. The part that drives me nuts is that League of Legends has bad game design that is partially responsible for the toxicity; what is Rocket League’s excuse?
I never saw toxicity at the community scale before Rocket League. Before that it was always individual, even in games like Rust, EVE Online, World of Tanks… Rocket League is special somehow.
Agreed. I was surprised at how bad it was, which was a bummer for two reasons. Firstly, it was a pretty enjoyable game at times especially with mates. Secondly, there were plenty of players that went out of their way to counter it and be decent but sadly they were the minority.
Its called gamesmanship. Its your choice to be irritated by goal replays. The only time toxicity is truly bad is if they stop playing to do it, otherwise game on. You can always turn chat off anyways.
Marvel Snap serves up poorly hidden bot matches and penalizes you for leaving as well. For example, they “reset” the ranked ladder every month, but retain their hidden mmr, and people with a really high mmr are MORE likely to face bots, because the system is designed to align your rank with their MMR, but if you leave the match, you forfeit what is essentially an ante used to determine your rank. But everyone gets some bots, and the amount varies based on several things, basically all of them manipulative to the player and their rank system.
Ive only been punished for leaving ranked matches lately, I dont think they do anything if you leave casual matches. Ive done it multiple times lately, I use them as practice sometimes or if I night need to leave suddenly.
Being punished for leaving bot matches is the only issue I’d have with this.
The article says that you do indeed get punished for leaving.
You don’t know if it’s a bot match as far as I understood
there are ways to tell.
namely steam rolling the opponents. or the enemy team not showing up in your recently played with list.
The only other game I know of that penalizes you simlarly is Rocket League, they penalize you for leaving casual matches.
I just don’t understand the logic. They take Win-Loss records way too seriously.
If there are other human players in the match, leaving sucks for them, so in that regards I get it.
If all the other players are bots… who cares? Penalizing for hurting bot-feelings is silly.
It’s nothing to do with W/L it’s because it fucks your team mates (and essentially everyone else, who now are devoid of a proper match) in RL. One of the many reasons I never stuck by RL was other players. People would so frequently just trash talk you when you’re learning and then fuck off out of the match, leaving you to get rolled by two players. These players would frequently be worse too. At least if you get rolled with a full team, you’ll probably learn something.
RL and games with low team player counts I 100% understand it for. It’s a punishment for selfish players. In a match with bots less so but I guess if you’re doing bad enough to be matched with bots they probably want to to stay and learn to play.
The Rocket League community united around the idea that forcing everyone to watch every single replay makes them more tilted, so that’s what they’re going to do. The toxicity of that community is off the charts, up there with the worst like League of Legends. The part that drives me nuts is that League of Legends has bad game design that is partially responsible for the toxicity; what is Rocket League’s excuse?
I never saw toxicity at the community scale before Rocket League. Before that it was always individual, even in games like Rust, EVE Online, World of Tanks… Rocket League is special somehow.
Clearly having the word “league” in the name generates toxicity.
Nah, but the game got so much worse after it went free to play. I’ll never forgive Epic.
Damn, I only ever played Rocket League with IRL friends. Sucks to hear.
Agreed. I was surprised at how bad it was, which was a bummer for two reasons. Firstly, it was a pretty enjoyable game at times especially with mates. Secondly, there were plenty of players that went out of their way to counter it and be decent but sadly they were the minority.
Its called gamesmanship. Its your choice to be irritated by goal replays. The only time toxicity is truly bad is if they stop playing to do it, otherwise game on. You can always turn chat off anyways.
Nah I choose to play other games entirely. My money is better spent in games that don’t encourage shitheads to be shitheads.
Marvel Snap serves up poorly hidden bot matches and penalizes you for leaving as well. For example, they “reset” the ranked ladder every month, but retain their hidden mmr, and people with a really high mmr are MORE likely to face bots, because the system is designed to align your rank with their MMR, but if you leave the match, you forfeit what is essentially an ante used to determine your rank. But everyone gets some bots, and the amount varies based on several things, basically all of them manipulative to the player and their rank system.
Ive only been punished for leaving ranked matches lately, I dont think they do anything if you leave casual matches. Ive done it multiple times lately, I use them as practice sometimes or if I night need to leave suddenly.