I’d expect the shortest day of the year to also be the coldest, with the coldest season of the year spreading out equally on both sides of it.
I’d expect the shortest day of the year to also be the coldest, with the coldest season of the year spreading out equally on both sides of it.
Seasons are bullshit anyway
Seasons of Bergen, Norway:
December - February: Cold and dark and wet season. Stock up on antidepressants, good food, “Hygge”-paraphenelia, asthma medication and remain indoors.
March - mid-July: Cold and green season.
Mid-July: Summer!!!
Mid-July - August: “pretend it is still summer”-season. Yes, we can grill and drink beer in the garden dammit just put on an extra jacket.
September: Wet and windy season.
October - November: Soggy cold season. Shoes and jackets go to the Drying Rack, not on the regular rack.
addenum: june-august is also barely-nighttime season. Sun “goes down” at 22:00 and remains barely under the horizon until 04:00 so the sky just stays bright. Good luck explaining to your toddler that it is night and time to sleep.
Seasons in Texas:
June 5-October 25th: fuck you it’s 100+° F / 38° C. Most non-native plants die if they receive direct sunlight all day. It’s 85°F / 30°C at night.
October 26th - December 10th: fuck you it’s 90° F / 32° C but also 40°F / 5°C in the morning; you’d better have 2 sets of clothes for the day
Dec 11th - Feb 28th: actually decent weather
March 1st - May 1: it’s getting hotter but also raining a lot so it’s muggy but the weather is still tolerable sometimes
May 2 - June 4: Hot and humid, sensory nightmare, air outside feels like your lungs have been filled with a damp blanket. 95+% humidity at all times.
Seasons of Lahore, Pakistan (imo):
Why call it 2nd spring? I though the more used name is autumn
In the video, the creator (talking about the seasons where they live, in Southern Coastal California) states that instead of saying “spring” and “autumn”, they call both seasons “nice”, because they are indistinguishable. I’m using the same rationale, basically.
Where I live we got green and brown