GiveSendGo stands firmly behind its decision to host content related to Mangione.

“We believe every person is entitled to due process in a court of law — not in the court of public opinion,” Alex Shipley, GiveSendGo’s communications director, said in a statement. “To be absolutely clear, we do not support or condone vigilante justice. However, people have a constitutional right to a strong legal defense, and access to that defense should not be reserved only for the wealthy or those who fit a particular narrative. Our role is to give individuals and their communities the opportunity to fundraise for that defense, because true justice is served when everyone has equal access to a fair trial — regardless of the verdict.”

  • Chozo
    -283 months ago

    Two comp sci degrees from an Ivy League school, $1B+ family wealth, living comfortably in one of the most expensive cities in Hawaii while still being able to afford unplanned and whimsical backpacking treks across Asia to do a little soul-searching. If he hadn’t injured himself surfing, he’d likely be halfway through his first memecoin rug-pull right now, and we all know it.

    I get that I’m in the minority here, and I’m fine with that. As someone with their own problems with the healthcare system, I sympathize with his pain and his anger. But I don’t see a hero in Mangione, I just see an incredibly privileged kid who exploited more opportunities than most of us will ever see in our lifetimes and threw it all away to kill one person without even resulting in a single policy change. It just seems gross to me, to celebrate this depressing exercise of American futility.

      203 months ago

      Okay I still just see you complaining about him being given the options you didn’t have. Not him doing anything specific to earn your hatred.

      I’d argue he’s done more to help you than you’ve done to help yourself… so, maybe… consider giving him a little more credit?

      Look, I get it. I grew up in a welfare home. I paid my way through college and I really don’t have anything substantial to show for it other than a somewhat okay savings account. I very much envy the people who have so many options and would never know the crippling anxiety of “how can I pay my rent this month” or “It’s a real possibility I could end up on the street if I make just a few bad choices” I hear you so much. But just for this one person… go easy on him for now! Let him earn that hate. He just did all of us a really big favor. There is a very real possibility that if he is found not guilty, he gets on the bull horn and makes a total ass out of himself.

      • Chozo
        -183 months ago

        I’d argue he’s done more to help you than you’ve done to help yourself

        What an almost insultingly absurd thing to say. He’s done nothing for any of us. Killing Thompson didn’t fix a single problem for anyone. Nobody’s claim got approved over this. All he accomplished was giving a bunch of people a justice boner.