I’ve been playing a tonnnn more UFO 50. Beat Vainger, started Mini and Max (absolutely amazing). Also did the whole meta game secret thing to the end which was super fun!

  • 🎧MutatedBass🖱️
    14 months ago

    I’ve been playing Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord. About 35ish hours into this save and so far I enjoy the game a lot. It does some things better than Mount and Blade: Warband but unfortunately some aspects of the game are less developed than in it’s predecessor. Overall I think unmodded Bannerlord is better than unmodded Warband but Warband has an absolutely massive catalog of incredible mods. Maybe Bannerlord will get there one day.

      • 🎧MutatedBass🖱️
        24 months ago

        There are a few things that have stood out to me so far.

        Some smaller things:

        • Food doesn’t rot.
        • There are no feasts, which were a good oppurtunity to improve relation with a lord/lady.
        • There are less options when camping.

        Some bigger things (to me anyway):

        • The courtship system was significantly reduced, basically just a few speech checks where you know the exact % chance of failure/sucsess, then purchase them from their highest ranking clan member.
        • The npc compainions don’t feel as unique as in Warband, and I find myself almost always skipping through their dialogue. Maybe this is just my run but I have only had one instance of a companion taking issue with my actions.
        • You can’t really start as a nobody anymore. In Warband you could serve as a soldier in someone else’s army and work your way up the ladder, it made for a harder path to becoming a vassal and an interesting early game. In Bannerlord you can start as someone who didn’t have noble parents, I did, but this part of the game just felt less fleshed out.

        I haven’t quite started my own kingdom yet, I want to spend some more time as a vassal. But I have heard that kingdom managment and diplomacy feel unfinished to many. I guess I’ll have to see this for myself.