By old-timey names, I mean ones that you don’t typically associate with anyone alive or younger than like 70.

Examples being:

  • Burl
  • Mildred
  • Herbert
  • Agnes
  • Evelyn (not as rare at the others, but getting there)

I’ve always liked the name “Opal” but I’ve only ever known two in my life. I was like 10-12 at the time, and they were both pushing 90.

  • Admiral PatrickOP
    95 months ago

    I went to school with most of the names on that list. Not picking on you, just feeling old. 😆

      24 months ago

      Haha yeah, I did worry that would happen! Just to clarify I definitely don’t think they were ‘old-timey’, I just haven’t personally seen them around in new generations for some time…