Alec Watson of Technology Connections.

Already has an active presence on the Fediverse:

Possible questions:

  • Why did you start the channel?
  • Is YouTube your full-time job now?
  • What do you consider to be your most underrated video?
  • What is the latest that you’ve ever shelved a video project, and why?
  • Can we look forward to another holiday lights episode this December?

  • What is your educational background?
  • What pets do you have?
  • Do you have any hobbies which you haven’t monetized yet? :)
  • What are your favourite and least favourite ice cream flavours?

  • How have you found your experience with Mastodon?
  • What are your thoughts on the rest of the Fediverse?
  • How do you see the Fediverse changing over the next five years?
  • @sevon
    71 month ago

    Yes please. One of my all time favourite channels.

    • threelonmusketeersOP
      1 month ago

      One of my favourites as well.

      Any questions you’d have for him? Perhaps we can compile some questions in this thread for if/when the AMA happens.

    • Don_DickleM
      11 month ago

      I don’t know who this guy is but you mentioned channels is he on youtube or something? I am just doing the legwork in the community.