Davinci Resolve is known to be extremely picky about hardware and software. It officially only supports CentOS which doesnt even exist anymore lol. (not entirely correct)

So putting it into a container with set and unchanging dependencies ensures it can run everywhere (if it works).

Also, running such a proprietary piece of software should be done isolated from the rest, and Flatpak has awesome permission management in KDE or using Flatseal.

  • @SatyrSack@lemmy.one
    158 months ago

    It officially only supports CentOS which doesnt even exist anymore lol.

    It is supported on Rocky Linux.

    Anyway, I assume this doesn’t make things any easier to get it to run on an AMD GPU, is that correct?

      • @leopold
        98 months ago

        RHEL is used and is meant to be used both for servers and professional workstations. I imagine clones like Rocky are much the same.

    • boredsquirrelOP
      28 months ago

      I have no idea as all video editors are too complicated for me and I didnt ever find the time to learn them… even though I should. And then I will use KDENlive