This comment section: “Actually I’m pretty sure the bike fell over for reasons unrelated to the stick”

    11 year ago

    absolutely DO not imply men can’t talk about issues.

    That’s so ridiculously false. Every college campus in America has a women’s only space now. How many of them have a men’s only space that hasn’t been coopted by the women’s studies department?

    The only men’s spaces left in academia are frats…which is the bastion of al the things this post is complaining about.

    And hell…that’s the core of this issue. If regular non toxic alpha wannabes want to talk about an issue…there’s simply no place to do it because the feminists have driven those discussions to the dark dank corners of toxic hell holes of society.

      1 year ago

      If regular non toxic alpha wannabes want to talk about an issue…there’s simply no place to do it because the feminists have driven those discussions to the dark dank corners of toxic hell holes of society.

      Cite your sources if you want to make huge lazy generalizations that are honestly insulting to the immense amount of violence and structural exclusion women have faced down to get to the imperfect state of women’s equality.

      Cite your sources it is a bunch of angry feminist activists shouting down men everywhere just trying to talk about why they are hurt.

      Show me your sources, and a couple of anecdotes don’t count, show me evidence this is happening systematically.

      edit love it, downvote me without giving any evidence that.