This comment section: “Actually I’m pretty sure the bike fell over for reasons unrelated to the stick”

  • One of the best things taught to me growing up is that you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone. There are shallow people, but why waste time with them? Why not go with people who are more open-minded, have good control to not give into superficial and shallow biological instincts, and will accept you for who you are?

      -51 year ago

      Yes, we’re all taught that. Our evolutionary instinct is stronger than your teachings, more often than not.

      Open minded people open their legs too. That’s just reality.

        1 year ago

        Murder and rape is also natural but not everyone does it and we frown upon it. We have laws against it.

        Giving in to instincts that are not productive is showing weakness.

          -61 year ago

          Ya, we live in a society and we should place restrictions around our innate nature, we’ve learned about the perils of not doing so.

          That doesn’t in anyway mean it’s not our nature. It’s weird people are offended by this reality.

            1 year ago

            We don’t go on physical fights to win over a women. It’s destructive. How difficult is it to understand? We don’t act on destructive instincts because it’s not productive and, well, destructive.

            I always say this to others, but you must be with running with a bad crowd to hold such warped view.

              -11 year ago

              Are you crazy? You ever been to a bar on a weekend?!

              There’s constantly fights over women. It’s definitely not productive but it’s absolutely reality. WTF world do you live in?

                1 year ago

                And you emulate those knuckledraggers and think everyone else is like them? Like many others I have spoken to who say similar things, it proves my point that you run with a bad crowd leading your warped view.

                If you say you have been taught the same thing as I have, you will know when to leave and avoid a toxic environment.

                  1 year ago

                  LMFAO. That you are calling the vast majority of humanity knuckle draggers just demonstrates your ignorance of your own biology.

                  You can believe you’re different but the reality is you’re not special. You’re human, your biological imperative is present just like it is in just about every living thing on this planet. I read with a bad crowd? I’ll tell that to my friends at the drag show fundraiser I’ll be at later today. I’ll bring it up at my next meeting with the queer housing co-op that I’m helping get off the ground. Some people think the crowd I run with is bad but I think they’re cool people.

                  This is the level of stupid I expect from homeschooled anti-evolutionists. But you do you and you keep thinking you’re not a human being. Lmfao.

                  ETA. Now that you have me thinking about it, something between 1/3-1/2 of the people we’re trying to home, have children so it’s not like the non hetero community doesn’t also have the same biological imperative.