For me, it’s jingle all the way. It’s got everything. A drunk reindeer. A terrorist mailman. Arnold punching a deer. Arnold punching Sinbad. Arnold punching Santa. Arnold in general.

Edit: sure are a lot of die hard fans of Die Hard.

    • HobbitFoot
      91 year ago

      Not at all.

      Die Hard at its heart it is a story of a man trying to bring his family together. His presence in the story is one of traditional family values thrown into a world where they aren’t valued.

    • Ada
      51 year ago

      I don’t mean it like that. I’m not trying to meme or anything. Yeah, meming is why I first started watching it at Christmas, but it’s long stopped being about the meme and and debates about whether it’s a Christmas movie.

      I watch it every Christmas now because it has become a genuine tradition for me