• @MrBubbles96@lemmy.ml
    221 year ago

    As someone else put it perfectly in another comment: it’s just porn. It’s not going to affect the life of the person viewing it unless said person lets it.

    IMO, tho, as with most things things in life, just doing as the Greeks did is a good rule of thumb: you doing this in moderation? you’re good.

    • Damaskox
      51 year ago

      Not always a matter of choosing yourself.
      Problems can also form subconsciously.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 year ago

      It’s not going to affect the life of the person viewing it unless said person lets it.

      Does that apply to compulsive gamblers? “Unless said person lets it” is pretty presumptive and condemns people that may actually have a problem and no longer be able to conjure the willpower to stop whatever the negative habit is.

      • @MrBubbles96@lemmy.ml
        31 year ago

        You’re speaking about a compulsive habit at that point, so no. That’s a completely different animal than what i meant.

        I wrote the above along the lines of “Is the action bad in of itself? No. CAN it turn into a bad habit and hurt a person? Yes. All depends on the person interacting with it”

        Like, as a former (recovering? Don’t drink anymore, besides, at best, 1 bottle at gatherings, if even that, and sometimes during hangouts) alcoholic, yeah I’ll call out when companies and other people try to enable someone with a drinking problem to keep going…but I’m also not gonna go around and say “all alcoholic beverages bad” because I recklessly abused something that is known to hurt the body if used without restraint and paid for it. Maybe it’s a poor comparison since porn can’t physically hurt you the way alcohol can (tho it can mentally warp a person in some ways, especially if they’re younger/have nobody to teach them properly about sexual education) but that’s the only example I can give and i hope i got my point across.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          1 year ago

          I didn’t say “all porn bad.” I in fact urged moderation.

          i hope i got my point across

          Since you had such an ungenerous interpretation of what I said, it’s fair game for me to say that claiming “it’s (porn in this case) not going to affect the life of the person viewing it unless said person lets it” is naively idealistic and does nothing to actually help anyone that might need help after getting stuck in a rut from excessive hedonic treadmill running, be it from porn or anything else.

          • @MrBubbles96@lemmy.ml
            11 year ago

            So we’re basically saying the same thing about the subject then. Wonderful. Dunno how you got me saying “It’s not going to affect the life of the person viewing it unless said person lets it” to mean “it applies to people who damned themselves down this road willing and people who has an actual problem with it” in the context of OP’s question

            Now, “Ungenerous interpretation of what [you] said” where, exactly?

            You asked “does it include compulsive gamblers?”

            And I answered No, because I answered the OP’s question from a general perspective–not asking as someone who already has a compulsive urge to masturbate/drink/gamble/whathaveyou. The first one can be affected either positively or negatively by something, if they let the habit control them vs the other way around, while the other’s already affected in a negative way, so i didn’t bother bringing them up. (Not even touching on the fact that it should be obvious, or well, at least it is to me, you CANNOT advise or help an addict in the same way you’re going to advise a person whose curious/a bit green on something they wanna try)

            Wait, was it in my anecdote about me deing a drunk? If that’s the case, then there was a failure to communicate on my part and I apologize. I didn’t mean to imply that you said “all porn bad”, i said it to point out how distiling something that to a basic category like “all alcohol is bad” without the nuance of “it’s less the thing and more the different people interacting with the thing” to be…well, bad, and reductive because context matters.

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              1 year ago


              I didn’t think anything good would be likely to come after so much smuglord that early in your reply.

              I kept reading.



              smuglord smuglord smuglord

              dead-dove-3 Yeah I’m out. I quit Reddit for a reason.

    • Vode An
      1 year ago

      Why doesn’t the alcoholic put down the bottle? He is letting it damage his life and should simply choose to stop.

      • @MrBubbles96@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        The alcholic is already in a habit. What i put was not written with the idea of an addict in mind, simply that the act (porn) is not some evil, rotten thing that should be avoided like the plague, but should instead be treated as a neutral thing and viewed with moderation–should a normal, non-addicted person decide to do so at all.

        Also, that you used that specific example for your comment, considering I actually did put the bottle down a while ago because yeah, boiling it down, it pretty much was destroying my relationships and not doing my already weak ass immune system any favors, made me crack a smile NGL

        • HubertManne
          31 year ago

          wow. just commenting to say I can’t believe two folks did this type of bs response to your comment. its clear the OP and you were discussing casual use of things and not unhealthy levels especially since your original comment goes out of the way to mention moderation.

          • @MrBubbles96@lemmy.ml
            31 year ago

            Eh. It be like that sometimes. Re-reading everything again, i was pretty clear in what I said in both the reply to the OP and comments back to them. They and anyone else wanting to take it as something contrary to what I actually wrote down (which itself isn’t rocket science) is on them, really.

            OP didn’t imply thqt he was asking about it at an unhealthy level, so i responded to that.